Chapter 7- Drama Ruined

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Today was Sunday. A day where no one had something to do regularly. You were peacefully laying on your sofa upside down , watching the drama Saiki was interested to.

To be honest, it was really good. The story line was so captivating, so does the actors play. No wonder he was hooked on this show. You were planning on buying it for yourself.

The doorbell suddenly rang in the entire house. You whined tiredly, not feeling like getting up to answer the door. The place you were in was too comfortable and the best part of the episode was coming up. Fortunately, the small old man made his way towards the door, by small steps.

You turned back to the big screen not really caring who was at the door since the show was still playing and you couldn't miss one part of it.
The grandfather started yelling at guests at front door, most possibly it could be some scammers selling their products door-to-door.

Loud elephants-like could be heard towards your direction, but you paid no mind to it. It turned out to be a bad idea as two strong arms lifted your legs up making you yell in surprise now that you were literally upside down. You could do nothing but hold down your shirt since you had no bra on, only a big baggy shirt.

What could you say? Bras were only suffocating you.

"Hey dude! Come to the beach with us!" A deep voice exclaimed in excitement. You tried turned your head around to glare at the culprit that almost made you reveal your upper torso.

"N-Nendo! What the hell are you doing?! Let her down!" A high pitched voice yelled both angrily to the nut head and worryingly for the upside down you.

The double chin teen boy looked at the pale blue haired boy and dropped you painfully, your head hitting first on the cushion, fortunately, but your neck made a concerning cracking noise.

A strangled noise passed your lips. Nendo killed you as you laid unmoving on the spot, still tightly holding down on the helm of your white big shirt. Finally, the tired Saiki entered the living room, blanking looking down on your poor body that was laying on the sofa.

Your eyes scanned the unusual outfit choice of Saiki. He was wearing this baby blue blouse along with a red shirt underneath and yellow trousers. He was quite colourful for a quiet guy. As if he heard you, he glared down at you with a deadpanned expression.

"Are you coming dude?" Nendo asked again. Turning your body, you lifted yourself up into a sitting position. You frowned slightly, not wanting to stop to watch the good drama. Your gaze landed on your grey laptop that was resting beside Kaido. An evil grin curved on your face, having the perfect plan for this.


They actually couldn't believe it, you brought your laptop with you at the beach to continue the series. You sat down next to Saiki, in the shades of the beach umbrella. The male next to you sighed boringly. Kaido was too much of a wuss to put his feet in the blue liquid and Nendo was teasing him about it.

"W-w-w-What are you saying? I can swim." Kaido stuttered uncontrollably. He looked at the water fearfully and slipped, wetting his clothes. He started struggling for his life on the shore. You would be impressed if he drowned like that.

Saiki looked to his side, Y/N watching the drama he's been hooked on for a while. The girl wore a plaid yellow shirt along with white trousers like him. He could also see her swimsuit's strings attached to her neck. She was really focused on her laptop's screen. He turned his head away, not wanting to watch the show. Y/N already caught up on him as she was at the episode 53. He wanted to listen to it at home, in the comfort of his blankets.

He hesitantly looked from the corner of his eyes, only to meet up with your sparkly E/C eyes.

He hesitantly looked from the corner of his eyes, only to meet up with your sparkly E/C eyes

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"Want to watch it with me?" Smiling brightly at him. He eyed away from you. Watching movies was a common thing between the both of you. Maybe one of the many reasons you guys were friends.

He angrily frowned in frustration and showed his hand without still looking at you. Knowing what he wanted, you cheered and handed him one of your earphones into his slim hand.

Saiki plugged the white earphone in his ear before scooting closer to your body to have a better view of the screen. Although, the height difference between the both of you made it uncomfortable for your ears and his, so he leaned in until his chin was touching your shoulder.

You shuddered at the feeling of his breath slightly caressing the shell of your ear. Trying to ignore the shivery sensation, you concentrated instead on the drama show.

"Are you alright?!" A loud voice made you turn your attention away from the laptop. A red haired boy ran rapidly at Kaido's body, still in the water struggling to stay alive.

The sand flew everywhere, on your laptop as Hairo ran to save poor Kaido out of the water. You yelled in desperation, your precious laptop now covered in sand, messing up with the system inside the machine.

It turned off. Saiki was also looking dead, the feeling of not knowing the rest of the episode, leaving in suspense. It was horrible. Terrible. Deadly.

"Oh, it's Hairo." Nendo called out.

"Hm? Nendo, Saiki and L/N too?" He said while still holding the limp body of Kaido.

After revealing his volunteering as a life guard, he ran off to save another person's life. You swiped off the dirt of your computer. You'll have to fix it at home later tonight. You sighed, knowing it wasn't Hairo's fault either or Kaido's.

Nendo scratched his double chin, turning his head towards both childhood friends.

"Y'all not going to swim?" He asked.

You hummed mournfully, having no choice but to tag along with him while Saiki completely stayed in silence ignoring him.

"What is this? Nobody is swimming. It's no fun to swim alone."

The butt chin teen took out his sunglasses and smiled confidently.

"I guess I'll hit on some girls."

What was he saying. You were pretty sure he was going to scare all of them with his face. No offence to him, but that chin was a turn off to be honest. Saiki looked at you, as if he heard your thoughts, and sighed for the millionth time this day.

"With that face of yours?" Kaido exclaimed, silently agreeing on your thoughts.

"For a man, looks don't matter." He gave a thumb up before running off, officially starting his hunt. You looked at the horizon, seeing him already finding his first target, instantly got rejected. That hurt.

"I guess it's time to taste the ocean!" You cheerfully exclaimed, forgetting your sad mood.

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