Heaven on earth

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I was currently entangled with the three kings, thoughts of what had happened not long beforehand swimming rapidly through my mind, each fighting for more relevance. I groaned catching the three vampire kings' attention causing them all to bombard me with questions about my wellbeing and so forth.

"I'm fine, my mind is just crowded is all. No need to worry." All the stories of the fearsome kings came tumbling down in front of me as I watched the kings that had previously unravelled with worry now calm themselves, cruel and uncaring they were not. "Do you guys not have any work to do?"

"Mio tresoro, we do not from our knowledge. We decided it was high-time we took a day off after working consistently for a few millennia." The blonde's brash yet caring words brought a smile to my face seemingly catching the kings by surprise.

"What? Is there something on my face." I spoke with a laugh as they all continued their staring.

"I apologise mia cara it is just that I have never seen you smile before. You should do it more often." The silent brother spoke this time, his deep voice calming and comforting feeling as though even his words were caressing me as gently as he had previously.

"Well, what should we do?" A look of befuddlement spread like wildfire across the kings' expressions. "Well I'm up for anything really, unless that includes spending more than an hour with Eddie boy." I heard their chuckles at the irritation in my tone causing a faux glare to come their way.

"How about we walk through the gardens, or perhaps visit the library." I heard Aro trail off as he spoke the word gardens seeing my displeasure towards the thought although my face brightened as the word library reached my ears.

"I would love that, reading is my favourite pastime although most would be of the opinion my favourite hobby would be starting trouble but no. That's only my second favourite hobby." I saw smiles upon their faces causing a small smile to appear upon my lips for a brief moment.

My, what would you call them,I suppose one would say lovers? My lovers and I strolled through the corridors, admiring each intricate carving as we passed them as I revelled in the glares of passing female guards, a smirk firmly plastered across my face. We walked with authority in our demeanours and assertiveness in each stride as we approached our destination. Heaven on earth. The library.

I twirled dramatically as soon as I stepped through the towering oak doors, taking in the wonder of the shelves upon shelves of knowledge and adventures. I turned to see the three smiling down at me as I immediately straightened my posture, my expression becoming stern.

"What?" Chuckles ripples through the royals at my reaction as I kept my eyes darting everywhere but their faces.

I turned on my heel once again running through the forest of ink and leather binding. I took one of the ancient novels in one hand as I rushed to a seat. I promptly sat with the eagerness and excitement of a child in a candy store that is trying to finish their first portion to ask for another sooner. I saw figures sit by the leather seats and sofas near me through the corner of my eye although I payed them no mind as I slowly buried my nose deeper within the adventures and mysteries I had discovered causing the world to disappear around me.

A/N I apologise if the inconsistent updates are frustrating. I hope this chapter is satisfactory. Thank you for reading.

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