"Wishing star, I ask that you grant me this wish: I wish to find love"

She wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Joe sat at his desk and sighed, his head in his hands. He softly had music playing in the background of his room, whilst he tried to concentrate on what he was doing. When he got a message from his sister that read, 'I just got home and I'm hurrying to get everything done' he replied with : 'Don't forget to stop and admire the stars' saying it as a joke, knowing no stars could be spotted tonight.

He stood up and took a step towards his window, opening it, and leaning out. To his surprise he saw one bright star shining in the sky. He grinned and spoke to himself,

"Oh wishing star, you are quite a special one. I ask you to grant me this wish, I wish to find love"

He wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Anna was sitting on her bed with her laptop on her lap. She was watching YouTube videos and thinking. She paused the video she had on and looked at the paintings and posters on her wall. She had two Hunger Games posters, one of Katniss and Peeta and one of just Peeta. She had a small The Fault in our Stars painting she made and a painting of Starry Night by Van Gough and a few others.

She looked at the stars on the Van Gough painting and went over to her window, opening it, and climbing out onto a branch just outside. She looked up and spotted one star, and took a deep breath.

"It's just a myth, right?" she mumbled. "Whatever, it's worth a shot. Oh wishing star, I'd appreciate if you grant me this wish... I wish to find love"

She wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Felix walked smoothly through the thick snow happily. He loved going out at night and just walking through the snow. Getting away from everything. Although he only wore a t-shirt and jeans, along with snow boots, he wasn't that cold. Mainly because when he was alone out here he could clear his mind and get lost in the stars.

Unfortunately he continuously looked up at the sky and found nothing but the moon and a deep void of blackness. But when he was nearly home and about to give up, he saw a star and smiled to himself. He whispered quietly as a cloud of fog rolled off his lips,

"Oh wishing star," he paused and closed his eyes. "I wish to find love"

He wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Sky was camping with a few of her friends and they all sat around the fire. They had been talking and laughing and when they paused for a minute one of her friends stood up and instructed everyone to look at the sky. A few of them turned their heads towards Sky and she laughed.

Her friend pointed at the only star visible that night and everyone looked. She told them to close their eyes and make a wish. Sky smiled to herself as she obeyed.

"Oh wishing star," she said in her head. "I wish to find love"

She wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Will closed TeamSpeak and shut off his computer. He walked through his apartment, bored. He sighed until he finally decided to leave and go outside. When he stepped foot on the rainy grass he took in a deep breath of the fresh air.

He looked up at the night sky and saw a star. He usually didn't believe in myths or wished for things but he though maybe he could give it a try. He ran his fingers through his hair and whispered gruffly,

"Oh wishing star," his bored tone rang through his head and he lightened his tone. "um- grant me this wish? I uh, wish to find love"

He wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Maddy was sitting outside at a local soccer park, sitting on the net with her soccer ball next to her. She sighed and looks at the trees, hill, and small pond around her. She breathed a small puff of smoke out of a cigarette. She understood she was a strange person, very different. She was a big sports girl, but outside of those things she was more the bad girl. She doesn't need to be described, everyone knows how they are.

Her auburn hair looked as though it was on fire, even in the little light of the one star she stared at for hours. "It's not worth it, it's pathetic," she whispered to Herself, concentrating on the star. With a sigh of defeat to herself she stood up with her ball and whispered up into the air,

"Hey wishing star, so I have this wish that could maybe work? Kay, well here goes-" she ran her fingers through her bright hair. "I wish to find love"

She wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Ryan and Isabelle were hanging out in Ryan's backyard, sitting on his old swing set from several years ago. although Ryan didn't really like Isabelle, her presence was more enjoyable than many other girls who just wanted to sleep with him. He watched as she stood up and tilted her head back causing all her blonde hair to flow down to her waist instead of mid-back. She smi;led and grabbed his head, pulling him up from his position on the swing. "Look at the sky, you see that star? I want you to make a wish."

He oppened his mouth to protest when she stopped him by putting her hand over his mouth and comanding him to. He smirked and looked up,closing his eyes like Isabelle and wishing to himself,

"I wish to find love"

He wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Blue was running around her apartment, trying to get things clean while she blasted Paramore from her bedroom speakers. Within the past week, she had gotten over 15 complaints or warnings frroom neighbours. She scrambled through the kitchen, putting things away and wiping countertops. She ran into the living room and tripped on the carpet, causing a loud bang on the ground. "oops.." she muttered, standing and straightening a pillow on her sofa.

She finished the majority of cleaning her messy apartment and collapsed on her bed by the window. Shestared out the large window and spotted a star. she grinned inside but frowned on the outside. She sighed and laid on her back, staring at the ceiling.

"Oh wishing star, you freaking wishing star, i have a wish for you. I wish," she sighed again. "I wish to find love"

She wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Parker had just finished recording a video for his friends channel and leaned back in his chair. He muted his mic on teamspeak and screamed. All the stress and pressure on him was too much. He walked away from his computer and sat down on a bar stool in his kitchen. He put his head in his hands and sighed.

He heard a door oppening signifying someone was home. He got up and ran out into the backyard and out the gate. He ran into the alley way behind his house and ran until he reached a large rock to sit on. He looked at the sky and saw a star above his head. He ran his fingers through his hair and put his hood up to block the cold and whispered,

"Oh wihsing star, can you grant me this wish? I wish to find love."

He wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Nicole tied her hair up in a messy bun and pulled a crop top over her head. She tied on her converse and grabbed her skateboard. She walked out of her apartment into the fresh air. She set the skateboard down and skated down her streets. She smilled to herself as she stared at the sky.

As she went down the street she concentrated on the only star visible in the sky. She stopped and didnt realize her sateboard continued rolling away. She closed her eyes and whispered quietly,

"Oh wishing star, I ask you to grant me this wish." she tilted her head slightly downwards and contiued, "I wish to find love"

She wished that at midnight December 12 2018.

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