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A myth says every night the first star you see is supposed to be your wishing star. You wish and don't tell single person or your wish will become opposite.

A group of people all believed that myth and one night, they all saw a star. The same star. The same night. And the same wish.


Brenna was changing out of her volleyball outfit into her regular clothes, packing all her things into her bag. She put her phone in her pocket and earbuds in her ears, playing an Arctic Monkeys song.

She walked out of her school gym and onto the road to her house. She walked slowly so it would amount in taking her a couple hours. After a while, she looked up and saw one single star, bright and shining in the middle of the sky. She stopped walking and whispered to herself,

"Oh wishing star, if your myth is real I ask you to grant me this wish," she lowered her voice and pulled on a strand of hair. "I wish to find love"

She wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Zach sat alone in his house hotel room eating a pizza and looking at his phone. He noticed it was midnight and quickly walked outside to his porch. He looked up into the sky to see one bright shining star, no others.

He ran his fingers through his hair and whispered,

"Please wishing star, I've asked of a different wish every night I see you. I ask you to grant me this wish... I wish to find love"

He wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Maria stared at herself in the mirror. She adjusted her glasses and shook her hair a bit. With a sigh she walked into the hallway and up the stairs to the top floor of her rich parents' large house.

She stared out the window into the dark sky. She adjusted her glasses again and looked up at the one bright star she saw above her and whispered, barely audible,

"Wishing star I believe your myth. Ive believed it since I was young and now I'm ready to wish. I ask you grant me this wish... I wish to find love"

She wished that at midnight, December 12 2018.


Oliver sat outside with his poetry book. He wasn't much into sports; he more appreciated things like poetry and art, although he believed he wasn't that good. He looked at the time in his phone and saw it was midnight.

He decided to go in, and on his way he saw a bright star, right in the middle of the sky. He hesitated before mumbling under his breath,

"I ask you to grant me this wish... I want to find love"

He wished that at Midnight, December 12 2018.


Zoe drove up to her flat in Brighton after going out with friends. After turning off her phone from a previously sent message, she began to take the elastic out of her side braid and undoing it. She rushed inside with her purse, wiping some of her makeup off with a makeup remover cloth. As she was about to enter she got a text and reluctantly stopped in front of the doorway to the building. The message read: 'Don't forget to stop and admire the stars'

She muttered "There isn't any stars, bozo. It's way to cloudy." But when she looked up at the sky, she noticed one bright star lighting up the dark, gloomy night star. A smile danced onto her lips slowly and she whispered, quieter than a mouse,

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