Bachelor Party

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Roman's Pov:

Well the day is here for my Bachelor party, Miley has her Bachelorette party tonight too.

Seth is my best man and Dean is one of my groomans, so what Seth have planned for tonight I have no clue but was looking forward to it.

I was in mine and Miley's bedroom at our house and the girls and guys was waiting down stairs for us.

Miley walked out of our bathroom looking so beautiful "Oh my god babe, you are looking so damn beautiful and sexy" I said and she giggled and i couldn't help but keep starting at her beauty "No other man better not try it on with my girl tonight looking like that when I'm not around, Cause if they do then i want to know and I will be coming right there and kicking their asses into the next century and you can believe that baby".

She laughed "Ok babe, they won't cause i won't let them so you don't need to worry". "I know babe but still, I just don't trust any other assholes out there around you" I say with a sigh.

She walked up to me And wrapped her arms around my neck "trust me babe, everything will be fine" She said then steps on her tipple toes and kisses my lips gently. I kissed her back "Ok babe, I love you". "I love you too babe" She said.

"Yo you ready man?" Seth said knocking on the door and walking in. "Yeah man" I said then turned my attention back To my fiancè "alright babe I'm going now, you have fun and i will see you in bed later" I said and winked at her making her giggle sexily.

I have Miley a quick kiss on the lips before Seth and i left and headed on down stairs to meet the rest of the guys "Alright let's get this party on he road shall we?" I said and the guys agreed and we all left.

*Bachelor Party At A Bar*

"Alright i get the first round of drinks" Seth said then headed to the bar to order the round of drinks in.

"You happy man? This time next week you will be married!" Dean said. I smiled "I'm over the moon man, I can't believe I am marrying the women of my dreams and i sure can't wait to make her my beautiful sexy wife". "We all are happy for ya bro" Dean said and fist bumped me.

"Thanks man" I said fist bumping him back. Seth came back with the round of drinks for everyone. "Here we are grab a drink and let's make a toast" Seth said grabbing his beer as we all did.

We all rised our drinks "I would like to say that I am happy for Roman finding his one true love and finally taking the next step on their relationship. We all love ya bro... to Roman and Miley!" Seth said. "Roman and Miley!" They all repeated.

I chucked a bit "Thanks guys, I am very happy that I have found m princess and making her my wife this time next week. I love her with everything I have got" I said and they all smiled at me.

Two hours went by and all of us were drunk as shit. I was standing by the table watching Seth and Dean dance drunk when a girl in a tight fitting silver dress came up to me. I ignored her for the most part until she laid her hand on my arm. "May I help you?" I asked staring at her hand.

She reluctantly removed it. "Hey sexy I was wondering if you would dance with me? I'm here all alone," she said winking at me.

I shook my head. "No I don't dance. Sorry," I said and turned away from her. Yet she didn't take the hint. "Come on. One dance won't hurt," she whined. I looked her right in the eye. "I'm an engaged man ok?! I'm getting married to the love of my life next week and she wouldn't like it if I danced with another woman before our wedding day! Now please leave me alone," I said and she walked away with a pout.

I shook my head as she walked away. When will they learn not to flirt with a taken man? Seth and Dean came back panting. "You two made complete asses of yourselves out there," I said laughing. "Well it looked like you were a little busy," Dean said. "Please she was so pathetic it wasn't funny," I said. "Now who's up for another round?!" "If you're buying then I'm drinking!" Seth said and he let out a huge burp. "Eww what curled up in there and died?" Dean said since the burp was right in his face.

I laughed as Seth took a swing at Dean and landed on his ass on the floor. "You're so fucking drunk Rollins!" I said as I went to buy the drinks. I loved both my brothers with all my heart but sometimes they could be a pain in my ass. I went to the bar and ordered our drinks then turned to watch the other bar patrons. Two girls (who looked like they were still in high school) kept staring at me and making kissy faces at me. "Pathetic," I said to myself and turned back around with my back to them. That proved to be a bad idea when one of the girls crept up behind me and tried to smack my ass!

I turned and stopped her with a well timed glare. "Touch me and I'll have you thrown out on your ass," I threatened and she backed off and ran back to her friend.

I got the drinks and me and the boys partied til the cows came home. Then I went home and fucked my beautiful sexy fiancee and fell asleep in her arms.

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