Allowed Home!

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|The Next Day|

Roman's Pov:

Today Miley is allowed to come home with Lexi, I already was at the hospital as i stayed with them last night. I couldn't leave their side, they are my girls who mean the world to me.

I was helping Miley pack up her things to get ready to leave. I have already changed Lexi's bum and changed her clothes after Miley have fed her.

"Already to go baby?" I asked my loving beautiful fiance. "Yes babe, all set" She replied. "Ok baby, lets go" I said putting Lexi into her car seat strapping her in. I grabbed the bags and the car seat and we left the building.

We got to the hospital parking lot, i put Lexi into the back seat and strapped her in. I put the bags into the trunk and helped Miley into the front passengers seat. I climbed in the drivers seat and started up the car.

"Home sweet home here we come!" I said with a smile. "Thank god, i hated being in there" Miley said with a small giggle and i chuckled.

I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home, the drive was short. "We need to stop off at the store to get a few things for Lexi babe" Miley said. "Ok no problem, we will go there now" I said and turned the corner and headed to the store.

I pulled into the parking lot and parking up the car "Alright i'll go in and you stay here with Lexi, what do wee need?" I said unbuckling the seat belt off of me. "Ok, we need nappies, wipes, nappy sacks, dummies and more bottle for when i express my milk so you can feed her when i can't or not around and also some bum cream" She said making a list and i nodded.

I got out and walked into the store and picked up everything we needed for Lexi and i also picked up some things for dinner tonight. I went to the check out and paid for everything and then went back outside to the car and out the bags in the trunk then climbed in the drivers seat.

"Got everything and also food for dinner tonight, which i'm cooking" I said smiling. "Awe thanks babe, you're the best. i love you" She said and gave me a kiss. I kissed her back "I love you too baby" I said then started the car and pulled out the parking lot and drove us home.

Miley's Pov:

Roman pulled into our drive way and helped me out of the car "Thanks babe" I said to him and grabbing the shopping bags and the other bags from the trunk. "You're welcome baby, hey let me take them. You go on in" He said. "Awe babe your so sweet" I said and went inside.

Roman took the bags inside then went back out and grabbed Lexi's car seat and carried her inside the house. "Welcome home Miley and baby Lexi" Paige said hugging me. I hugged her back "Thanks Paige, where's Seth?" i asked. "Oh he is up stairs sorting something out, he'll be down in a minute" She said and i nodded.

Roman set Lexi down on the floor in her car seat and i got her out and took off her coat as Roman took the bags into the kitchen to pack the food away and Lexi's bottle and dummies. The nappies and other things was left in the bag in the living room ready to take up stairs.

I held Lexi in my arms and sat down next to me "She really is gorgeous Miley" She said rubbing Lexi's little head and i smiled.

I'm gonna start cooking dinner now OK?" Roman said coming back into the living room. "Ok babe, I'm gonna go take a quick shower. Paige you mind watching Lexi for a bit?" I asked her.

"Sure, you go ahead and take a shower" She said and i smiled putting Lexi in Paige's arms "Thanks Paige" I said then kissed Lexi's head and headed up stairs to mine and Roman's room and walked into our bathroom and took a nice warm shower.

Paige was looking after Lexi and Roman was in the kitchen cooking dinner. About 20 minutes later i got out of the shower and went back into the bedroom and got changed into comfy clothes, since i'm not going out anywhere so why not right? LoL.

After i was done i went back down stairs to see Seth and Paige with Lexi and that made me smile. Hope they have a baby of their own one day.

"Hey guys i'm back, thanks for watching her, I'm just gonna go express my milk in the kitchen, be right back" I said walking into the kitchen.

Roman was standing at the cooker making dinner. "Hey babe you alright?" He asked me. "Yeah i'm good babe, just gonna express my milk. Have to do it like every 4 hours before or after her fed. so i thought i get it done out of the way now" I said as I grabbed the express pump and some bottles and sat down at the table and started expressing my milk into the bottle.

"Ah OK fair enough, dinner will be done soon OK?" He said continuing cooking. "Ok thanks babe" I said.

I kept expressing for about 20 minutes and Roman started dishing up the plates for all of us and sat them down at the table along with glasses of water and cokes. "Dinner is ready you guys!" Roman called into the living room and they walked in. "Miley i put Lexi down in her travel cot in the living room ok? She is fast asleep" Paige said. 

"Awe thanks babe Paige" I said putting the things way and quickly labeled the bottles that i just expressed and put them in the fridge then washed my hands and sat down at the table to join them. We all ate our dinner and relaxed for the rest of the evening.

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