Raw: Fight For What You Believe In

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|A Week Later|

Miley's Pov:

Here we are a week later at Raw again. Tonight i have a title match against Alexa Bliss as she got her rematch claues.

Roman has a match against Baron Corbin, I think he went and bitched to Triple H about wanting revenged on Roman for us two kicking his and Alexa's ass last week lol.

I was at hair and make up getting me all ready for Raw tonight. Next week i will be getting married, Time has flew by so fast i can't believe it. This weekend is our Bachelorette and Bachelor party, should be fun lol.

I just got done at hair and make up and went walking back to the locker room to see Roman. On the way back i bumped into Dolph. "Well hello there beautiful, you in a hurry?" He asked me.

I gave him a look "Yes, i'm getting back to see my fiance, so if you'll excuse me" I said trying to walk past him but he grabbed my arm. "Whoa whoa not so fast there babygirl, he can wait. Spend time alone with me for once sexy" Dolph said then leaned in to try and kiss me. I stepped back and slapped his across the face making his head spin!.

"Ow!" He said holding the side of his face. "What the fuck Miley, why you do that for?". "Don't ever try and kiss me again cause if you do then next time won't be a slap got it?!" I snapped.

Dolph looked like he has shit himself, so i smiled and walked away and headed back to mine and Roman's locker room.

I got back there and walked in "Hey babe, what's wrong?" Roman asked me as he was sitting down on the couch tying up his boots.

"Dolph just tried to kiss me just a minutes ago on my way back here" I said and Roman looked up at me pissed "What?! you serious?". "Yeah seriously, he was flirting with me, calling me sexy names staring at me and tried to kiss me!" I said.

Roman got up and walked up to me "I'm gonna kill that matter fucking bitch! No one flirts with MY Women, MY fiance!". "I know babe, just please try and calm down Ok?" I said. "I'm gonna go kill him!" Roman said and stormed out of the locker room. "Ah shit!, shit is gonna hit the fan now!" I said then ran after Roman.

I got to him and he was shouting at Dolph in one of the hallways "What the fuck do you think you was doing trying to kiss MY women?!!" Roman yelled at Dolph grabbing him by the collar of his shirt "Stay the fuck away from her before i cook you up and feed you to the damn sharks!".

"Baby please calm down, I slapped him for trying to kiss me and i told him off and said if he ever tries that again then it wouldn't be a slap next time he'll get" I said getting worried. Roman let go then punched Dolph in the jaw sending him flying back into the wall behind him "Now stay the fuck away bitch!".

Dolph ran off and i went to Roman and gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips "Thanks for sticking up for me and protecting me babe". "No worries baby, you are mine to protect no matter what you are mine and only mine" He said and kissed me. I kissed him back.

"Come on babe lets get back to our locker room and finished getting ready for Raw, it be starting in less then an hour" He said pulling my to his side and wrapping his arm around my waist. "Ok babe" Is all i said and we headed back to our locker room.

*Raw Match: Miley vs Alexa Bliss For The WWE Raw Women's Championship*

Alexa and i was already in the ring and getting this match started. I had Alexa in a head lock as she was trying to break free she kept giving me punches to my ribs. I let go and she went to swing me to the ropes and i reversed it and swung her myself and did a running clothesline knocking her back down to the mat.

"You ain't gonna take that title from me BITCH! Never!" I yelled then jumped on her throwing hard punches to her jaw from left to right. Alexa tried blocking blows but it wasn't working. I punched her again and it connected to her nose and i heard a loud crackly snap and the next thing i knew it started pissing with blood.

"Teach you to stay the fuck away from me next time, don't you think bitch!" I said and backed away in a corner. "Get ready to lose cause i'm about to make you my bitch!" I roared at Alexa as she started to stumble to her feet. I charged at her and speared her ass hard down to the mat and pinned her for the win.

Ref called for the bell and my music played "And your winner of this match still your WWE Raw Women's Champion.... MILEY!!!" JoJo announced as the ref held my arm up in victory after handing me my title. The fans was cheering like crazy!.

I climbed out of the ring and headed backstage to met my loving fiance Roman. "Well done babe, you was amazing out there!" He said pulling me in close for a hug and a kiss. I kissed back "Thanks babe, Now you go out there and kick Baron's ass before i do!" I said with a laugh. He laughed "Ok babe see you after" He said then headed out to his theme song playing.

*Match: Roman vs Baron Corbin (Non-Title Match)

Roman's Pov:

We was already in the ring having our match, this is a non-title match of course as Baron doesn't deserve a title match with me.... yet anyway.

I was kicking Barons ass all over this ring... well my yard should i say. I had him set up for the superman punch and connected his face with it then speared his ass flat to mat. I pinned him for the win. The ref called for the bell then my played my music and he handed me my title then held my arm up in victory.

"The winner of this match, your WWE Universal Champion....ROMAN REIGNS!" JoJo announced. I climbed out of the ring and headed backstage. I was greeted by my sexy fiance Miley. "Oh my god babe that was epic! you almost killed him though" She said with a laugh and i couldn't help but chuckle myself "Thanks babe and well he deserved an ass whooping like that". I said then pulled her in for a kiss.

She kissed back then we pulled apart "Ok babe lets go and get showered and out of here so we can get something eat and drink" I said and she nodded agreeing with me.

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