"If you don't win I'm going to disown you." I say as we walk into the art hall. He looks genuinely concerned for a moment before I squeeze his hand and reassure him. "I was joking."

"I'm going to win as long as you're there to cheer me on." Austin says with a cute half smile. We reach the door to the choir room and he lets go of my hand as we are the last ones to walk in. We quickly take our seats and Ms. Kale begins warm ups. No one has anything to sing apparently because Ms. Kale starts to teach us a new song. Nothing really happens beside Tyler sending a constant stream of glances my way. Tyler is not making this any easier. I sigh leaning into Austin's shoulder as we wait for the bell to ring. My hair is probably tickling his chin but I don't really care.

Austin rubs my arm singing to me softly. Could he be more cute? I mean he's so physically attractive and personality wise too. I now understand why ever homosexual male on campus wants a piece of dat ass. He's basically the full package as far as I'm concerned.

The bell chimes and Austin pulls me out of my chair. He walks me towards the drama room but stops away from the door where no one can see us. Austin's thumb draw a patterns across my cheek. He draws a little love heart then tilts my head up to kiss my forehead. Fuck why won't you just kiss me for real already? I really just want to kiss you, right now. He starts to lean back in when the bell rings.

"Shit." he mutters then hugs me quickly. "I'll see you after class." He runs off and I walk into the drama room. Mr. Yovanna is sitting on the edge of the stage. He sees me walk into the room and claps his hands to quiet every one down.

"Get with your partner from yesterday. We obviously need to work on your dancing skills." I find Tyler sitting next Jonah across the room. Jonah winks at me knowing that I was just out there with Austin. My face heats up undoubtedly turning red as a cherry probably making him think we did more than we actually did. Tyler holds a hand out to me asking me for this dance and I accept. He leads me to the center of the room because we are obviously the best dancers on the room. We both that Yovanna will want us to be in the middle so everyone can see us.

Mr. Yovanna starts the music and Tyler and I start moving perfectly in synch. Usually it takes me a little while to get comfortable dancing with someone but Tyler and I just know how to move with each other. It's weird. I've never moved so well anyone before. It should've taken weeks maybe even months to achieve the synch in that we are dancing.

"Troye stop watching for Mr. Yovanna's reaction." He calls me out on something that I didn't even realize I was doing. I was watching Mr. Yovanna to see what his reaction was to every one not just particularly me and Tyler. He seems to be a bit more pleased today then he did yesterday. I look away from Mr. Yovanna and into Tyler's eyes. This should make me feel uncomfortable this feels really intimate. We are dancing a dance that is widely considered romantic and we are looking each other in the eyes. This should make me uncomfortable at least slightly but it doesn't at all for some reason.

"Now it's time to add a bit acting to this." Mr. Yovanna shouts as he shuts the music off. Tyler steps away from me slightly but he keeps a hand on the small of my back. Mr. Yovanna looks around the room at the pairs of people standing around the room. "Now that all of you can a t least somewhat dance correctly I want you to just feel the music. I want you to do whatever you think your characters would do. It's a love story I'll tell you that much." Mr. Yovanna cracks his knuckles then continues to talk. "You will be performing a short scene for me one at a time."

Tyler and I sit down and Tyler leans against my shoulder. I let him giving up completely on trying to stop him from doing whatever he wants to do. Mr. Yovanna calls two people that aren't us up. We are the last ones to be called up with Mr. Yovanna only saying a simple, "Troyler."

We immediately start to act. Tyler stands while I sit up looking around the room like I might be lonely waiting for someone to ask me for this dance. Tyler looks my way then struts over to me holding out a hand.

"May I have this dance?" Tyler asks in a soft very clear and polite voice. I place my hand in his and he leads me to the middle of the floor. We get into a formal dancing position as Mr. Yovanna starts the music. I start to get myself into the zone. I've decided that our characters haven't yet fallen in love and this is what he's doing to try and win me over. A romantic dance.

"You are completely amazing." Tyler says suddenly slowly moving closer to me with every step we take. His hand is on my shoulder slower moving me closer and closer to him.

"You aren't too bad yourself." I retort, easily earning an ecstatic smile. Tyler and and I are almost chest to chest so he leans his head against my shoulder. "I don't want this to slip away. Promise me you'll stay with me."

"I promise." he responded with so much emotion anyone would have believed him. Gosh Tyler is such a great actor. "How would I be able to live with myself if I let someone as great as you slip through my fingertips?" Tyler is amazingly good at improv. It's insane how fast he can come up with amazing lines. This boy has talent that I admire.

"That's why I made you promise." I responded after a few seconds of smiles. I have to keep myself from glancing at Mr. Yovanna but I know he'll yell at me for ruining the scene. The music cuts and Tyler pulls away only to throw an arm around my shoulder as the room erupts in applause.

"Can you please tell me where you two learned to act? I think I need a few classes." Mr. Yovanna says then continues to gush about how amazing we are. He talks about how well we work together and how comfortable we seem to be with each other. He gushes until the bell rings and Tyler looks so pleased as we walk out of the door.

I see Austin waiting for me and a smile creeps up onto my face.


Hey guys how are doing? I should be getting WiFi at home soonish but I'm trying to actually be a good studennt this year. So updates will probably be less frequent. I like this chapter. I love making them act because I can make them say cute stuff and it not do anything to the plot. So if you liked any part of this chapter:


I love you little muffin dumplings.

My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें