Meeting in the Greenwood

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"Someone is here," said Legolas and stood. Celebriel rose and he put his arm around her shoulders, holding her tightly. Who is it, I wonder, thought Celebriel, and soon she could hear the familiar sound of silver bells on a saddle, a sound that she knew well.

The master hushed his hounds, and they stood obediently, their hackles still up but now they were quiet. Glorfindel rode into the clearing with four companions and they brought their horses to a halt, waiting.

"I am Glorfindel of Imladris," he said as a courtesy and waited for Legolas to acknowledge him.

Legolas nodded his head slightly in recognition. "I am Legolas, son of Thranduil. You are far from home, what brings you to my father's halls? We have not received an emissary from Elrond for a long time."

"I have come to bring the Lady Celebriel home, at the request of Lord Elrond and her sister Celebrian."

Celebriel gently disengaged herself from Legolas' arm. "Then you have made your trip in vain, Glorfindel, for I do not wish to return. I am of age and if I wish to remain here that is my prerogative. Elrond and my sister have no say in what I do."

Glorfindel dismounted and knelt before her, "It is the wish of the Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel that you return. Surely you do not wish to disobey them."

But I do, she thought, and if Thranduil permits, I intend to stay here.

Legolas took her hand, "She is under the protection of my father, it is his say and her wish that must count. It is not the word of the Lord and Lady that is the law here, nor the word of Elrond, this is Thranduil's kingdom and is ruled by his will."

Glorfindel rose and looked the younger elf in the eyes, but Legolas did not waver. "I am sorry that you made your trip in vain, but the lady chooses to remain here for now. Come back with us to my father's halls, and rest yourselves and your horses for a few days before you return. I am sorry that you will have to inform Lord Elrond that Lady Celebriel will not be returning. You cannot force her to leave and my father and I do not wish to. Come Celebriel," he said and she turned to follow him.

And so it is settled, she thought, I will stay here until I return to Lorinand, whenever that may be. For now, the Greenwood is my home, she thought triumphantly.

Glorfindel and his companions were treated as honored guests. He was seated next to Thranduil at dinner that night while Celebriel took her place next to Legolas. On the surface, nothing seemed wrong but Celebriel could feel the tension between the two elf lords.

So, who will be the winner of this contest? Thranduil seemed to her like a coiled spring, his energy very apparent, and Glorfindel was mighty amongst the First Born of Elrond's house. That her fate was yet to be decided in his eyes was obvious.

Legolas could feel her apprehension as she watched the two elf lords depart from the table together and disappear into Thranduil's study.

"Do not worry," he whispered to her, "Father will not let you be taken against your will. Come, there is something I want to show you, something wonderful and magical. Let us walk together under the stars."

He took her hand and they wandered amongst the long corridors until they came to the great door that led outside. Though her eyes were sharp, she could not have picked out the way they now followed, but he guided her surely and steadily through the trees until they came to a great clearing.

The stars of Elbereth pricked the night sky, casting a vague, gentle light. Legolas disappear then returned, carrying a lit torch. He used it to light several torches that sat in holders on the tree trunks, causing the clearing to come to life.

They were in a great circle that contained sawn-off pieces of tree trunk that must have served as seats. A great fire ring sat in the center, and at one end was a carved wooden throne that she guessed served as Thranduil's seat.

"Oh," she breathed in wonder, imagining how it must look when the fire had been lit and Thranduil's people were seated around the fire.

Legolas put his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, "This is where we feast when the cold of winter ends and spring has grown warm. Soon we will feast here in honor of you, for the Lady Celebriel has come to stay. Imagine what this looks like with the fire, and my father sitting on his throne with spring flowers in his hair. There is a cookfire behind us where we will spit and roast a stag we catch. Our merrymaking will continue until the first light of dawn streaks the sky."

His breath was warm on her neck and she felt herself tense, and he could feel her stiffen in his arms. "What is the matter, my lady?" he asked, "Has no man ever held you before? Have you never been kissed, my lady of Lorinand?"

"No, never," she answered, her voice barely audible and he laughed.

 "So the maid of Lorinand has not been kissed? It is sad that one so young and lovely should not know of these things!" He lay his fingers gently on her cheek and turned her around so that she faced him. And gently, oh so gently that he would not frighten her he put his lips to her, briefly, just long enough so that she would feel them before he released her.

She felt her heart begin to beat faster. She did not know that such a thing was possible. She stood trembling in his arms, not knowing if she should stay or flee. Of course, she could not find her way back, he knew that and knew it well, but had he been prepared for the effect the touch of his lips on hers would have?

He tightened his arms around her and kissed her again, not wishing to frighten her but not yet ready to let her go. He knew she was afraid, he could feel it but he brought his lips down on hers again, then without warning let her go.

"Come," he said, "We must go back." She followed him, not willing to trust him or herself to remain at her side. This was something that she had not been prepared for. Fight a duel, kill an enemy yes, but not this. She would be thinking of his kisses the rest of the night and perhaps beyond and she cursed him for knowing it.

Glorfindel and his companions chose to leave the next day. He talked to Celebriel alone and away from the elves of the Greenwood and asked, "Are you sure that this is what you want, my lady?"

Before she could have answered firmly, "yes, this is what I want, I am sure of it," but now she could only say, "There is nothing for me in Imladris. Family, yes, and a few friends, but I cannot live the life I wish under Elrond's roof." This said, she walked away from him not looking back. Whatever the future held for her she would now find it here.

Legolas appeared out of the shadows and grabbed her hand. "There goes your chance to leave, lady, will you not take it?

She jerked her hand out of his grasp. "I would not leave and you know this for a fact. I am not going back, there is no going back, not now, not ever."

Lord of the Rings:  The Heir to LorienWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu