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Ahri created Group chat
Ahri added Grey
Ahri added Nidalee
Ahri changed Group name to roommates.

Nidalee: What is this? And why am I part of it?

Ahri: this is something I thought of.

Ahri: you know, communicate more.

Grey: so this phone thing is supposed to help me make instant massages?

Ahri: Yes, Grey.

Grey: I can't count the times where I needed this.

Grey: like, seriously. There's an infinite number.

Nidalee: so why did you make a group chat just for us?

Ahri: like I said, it's to help us communicate.

Ahri: plus, it can help us with our social life.

Nidalee: What social life?

Grey: Nidalee's right.

Grey: literally, every other conversation we had was face to face.

Ahri: that's exactly what I'm talking about.

Ahri: we don't have to do that anymore.

Ahri: now, we can be at different parts of Runeterra and still talk together.

Ahri: plus, there's a lot of stuff about champions in the internet. Like fan art.

Grey: really?

Ahri: yeah, I'm going to check on mine.

Nidalee: I have a bad feeling about this.

Ahri: WTF!?!

Grey: what did she say?

Nidalee: WTF is supposed to be short for what the f*ck.

Grey: Ahri! Language.

Ahri: I'll mind my f*cking language when my f*cking fans mind my f*cking modesty!

Ahri: seriously! Like 75% of my Fan art is p*rn.

Ahri: 50% of those are with Sona.

Ahri: is that what my fans see me like? A sl*t!?

Ahri: with Sona of all people.

Grey: here we go again.

Nidalee: is there anything about me?

Ahri: well yeah.

Ahri: but you're not doing any better.

Ahri: in fact, some of your p*rn is beastiality.

Nidalee: WTF!?!

Grey: language!

Grey: am I the only one who watches what he types?

Nidalee: wait, what about Grey?

Ahri: let me check.

Nidalee: well?

Ahri: nothing.

Nidalee: wait, nothing?

Grey: that's actually relieving.

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