Michael licked his lips and exhaled finally. "Watchu want me to say huh? I'm sorry? I ain't even mean for none of that shit to happen."

"Nobody believes you killed him and you "didn't remember doing it." Like how the fuck you not remember killin' someone? Are you that crazy?"

Michael's nose flared up again and he was this close to getting up and showing him a piece of his mind but he calmed down and bit his lip, averting his eyes elsewhere. "Imma just run, 'cause I have a son." He mumbled lowly to himself over and over. This word "crazy" still gets to him at times

"Aye man just leave. You just beggin' for trouble now." Benny spoke up as Tony stood there waiting for Michael to respond

"He owes me." Tony argued, crossing his arms

Michael looked back up and scoffed with a taunting smile plastered to his face. "I owe you what?"

- "I'll take money. That'll do."

"I ain't givin' you shit!" Michael laughed dryly and waved him off, looking at him like he's crazy

Tony's words were tight. "You owe me for me payin' for your crimes!" He exclaimed

"All that shit happened years ago. I'm a different person now. I ain't owin' you shit. Let it go."

Tony squinted at Michael once more before saying "Whatever man. Just know we all on yo ass puta. All of us." He said and walked away not looking back.

As soon as he left, the boys began to laugh a bit and shake their heads unfazed. "Drama after drama after drama." Michael sighed chuckling a little while putting down his drink before connecting his eyes to the others again

"All these niggas after yo ass man and you this calm?" Damien asked, shaking his head with a laugh and Michael shrugged, scoffing.

"What he call me? A puta? What's that?" Michael asked looking over at Benny as he smiled in amusement before taking a sip of beer

"He basically called you a slut." Benny laughed and Michael just lightly chuckles in return.

"Ssss ouch. That hurts. I've never been called a slut before. How he know I'm a slut?" Michael joked as the boys only laughed again.

They're surprised he's not enraged about this considering he would've been if this was years ago.

Maybe he did change.

Little did they know-

"Jaden don't play with your food." Hayden scolded him as they went to Chomps to eat lunch. They got some looks—some unusual looks

Hayden's been getting these looks ever since Michael came back. Not many people even knew he had a son with Hayden. But now they know and the rumors have started.

They've already heard about Jaden pushing the girl off the slide and they're getting suspicious.

Could this little boy be dangerous? They thought.

Hayden sipped a little of her sprite while texting Michael as she kept an eye on Jaden considering he acts out every time they go out to eat—as in playing with his food, not wanting to stay still, etc.

Mycol🖤: wya?

Hayden: guess

He didn't answer right away and she already knew he's probably hungry or something and is coming back from Benny's house

Some time passed a bit and almost right away, she felt hands hover over her eyes and she jumped startled, letting out a low high pitched shriek

"Guess who." The voice said into her ear and she bit her lip shrugging her shoulders just to annoy him and she heard Jaden laughing his high pitched laugh that sounds like squeals

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