spooky looked to reyna with an eyebrow quirked and she just gave him a look, clearing her throat getting chico's attention. "don't focus on people like him. you know you're always going to have maria." reyna couldn't let marcus get hurt. so she had to kiss ass or let marcus' ass get kicked. saya would have a meltdown and if she wasn't close to impaling chico already that was going to seal the deal.

marcus turned to the group as billy sat in front of him. chico blew a kiss, making spooky smirk and reyna shoulder bump her brother. marcus looked for a bit longer, studying reyna and maria before turning around.

"i'm going to gut him." chico growled almost enthusiastically. reyna looked around the table, sipping her drink only to hear the loud obnoxious sound meaning it was empty. she quickly took the drink from her brother's side taking a big gulp she quickly coughed it back up. opening the lid of the cup she spit it back in there. "you just spit in my vodka." spooky looked at his sister as she coughed violently getting looks from people.

"why are you carrying a full mug of it. why do you hate yourself so much." chico started to pat the girl's back with a smirk.

after billy was done explaining the classes of the class. "so why are people like maria and her doing with them?" marcus questioned.

billy narrowed his eyes looking to marcus, as if that was the least logical thing he has said to him. "who is her? reyna? black hair, the resting bitch face? the girl that head budded master lin?" billy almost challenged marcus' logic. marcus hesitated to nodded but did but billy just sighed.

"both of them earned their places there believe that. besides the affiliation. the dude that looks like chico, that's spooky, reyna's older half-brother and maria's childhood sweetheart and boyfriend is chico." billy explained, marcus nodding at the girl's name. "is spooky his real name or..?" billy shrugged at the question as he finished his chicken leg with a smirk.

"come on, i want to show you something." billy hopped back over the table, marcus followed, making sure the look over to the table. to chico and then to maria. causing reyna to sip more of her brother's vodka. "i see your point now." reyna turned to spooky, making a sour face tasting the bitterness. spooky shaking his head chuckling at his sister.


"do not bet another dime of money if you're going to lose again." reyna crouched next to spooky across from chico as he smirked, as he shook the dice in his hand. spooky had lost $10 to chico in the game and it was reyna's. spooky looked to his sister with a smile taking the five out of her hand laying it down on the ground. "oh, you got balls today, torres?" chico smirked everyone was watching this intense game.

the door open and steps could be heard behind chico. no one in the crouched circle looked up, except for reyna she saw an angry marcus. "hey." marcus said, chico turned around only for marcus' fist to meet chico's jaw. everyone got closer ready to tear the boy apart. spooky got up holding marcus.

reyna got up eyes wide. she expected marcus to be long gone after saya told him to run for the hills. "spooks. stop it let him go." reyna pleaded, spooky loosen his grip but chico was to his feet. spanish left chico's mouth quick, and spooky responded with a grin. spooky let marcus go pushing him into chico.

"what's up?" chico threw up his middle fingers, dodging a punching marcus' .he caught his arm twisting it behind marcus' back. chico's knee went up into marcus' gut twice before he head butted him in quick movements. marcus dropped to the ground, chico flicked his blade up picking marcus up holding him against the wall he held the blade to his throat.

"detente, muéstrale misericordia por favor." reyna pleaded her brother to do something and spooky just shook his head. "you know i can't do that." spooky tried his best to sympathize for his sister.

"say chico's the man and you're his bitch." chico growled pushing the knife deeper into his neck. marcus looked him into the eye letting out harsh breaths, his nose now having a cut in it. reyna couldn't let marcus get hurt on her watch, saya would lose her temper on everyone and that wasn't needed. standing there she let it play out. marcus answered with silence.

"say it." chico urged.

"you're just a dickless rich kid in a prep school playing the role daddy assigned," marcus barked chico slowly backed away letting his grip on marcus go, "you got something to lose, i don't i fought a guy that carves people up for fun. you're just a poser." marcus barked with an almost sarcastic grin on his face and chico's grip was back on marcus. "you really think they'll kick me out for gutting a rat?" chico dared marcus.

marcus grabbed chico's blade holding it closer to his own neck. "go then, show 'em. do it!" marcus' low voice went into a yell. reyna looked up the balcony door almost cheering for glee when she saw master lin walk out the door. reyna stepped forward ripping chico away from marcus as master lin made his presence known. "enough." everyone looked up to him, the crowd went silent no one daring to disobey master lin. chico yanked his blazer straight looking to marcus who was still leaned on the wall.

"good. you're learning. just a friendly spar with my new amigo," chico lied looking up to master lin beore turning back to marcus, "get some rest, marcus. we'll finish this later." chico spat on the ground backing away into the group of people. "vamanos." chico told the group to follow him. reyna stood there for a second meeting marcus' eye she shook her head in disappointment before following chico and the group. marcus had declared a hatred he didn't want and couldn't finish by himself.


reyna looked at spooky with a blank stare. "so maria used the eye against him marcus to kill of chico, and that's why he did what he did." reyna was adding up all the pieces as they laid across spooky's bed. the two always got intel from any member of the cartel and they always found themselves adding pieces together, "well it backfired and when chico finds out he's going to kill her. maria should've never counted on someone that has morals to kill a man." reyna looked to spooky feeling sorry for saya she had to protect a pledge with morals, a person that wanted to do nothing but good in a place of wrong. "you didn't tell chico did you?" reyna questioned only for her brother to go silent. reyna rubbed her temples.

"you have to be fucking kidding me." she cursed punching the air only for spooky to let out an awkward smile. "he hasn't killed them yet it shows progress." spooky defended his bestfriend. reyna looked at her brother with a blank stare, reaching over and slapping him.

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