[ Koumei | Part 2 ] ... Maybe

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To the second part of my Koumei x reader story~

Title: ...maybe

Type: x reader two shot part two, readers view

Shipping: Ren Koumei x reader

Genre: Romance, deep talk, fluff

Total count of words: 15k+ (both parts
Image credits:[Source|https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42712233] (they are the original artist but I cant read the name)



And well. I kept it for longer than expected. After we arrived in Kous capital city, someone brought me to a room that should be my 'home' for the next few days. It seemed like there where other, more important matters to discuss, than the future of my country. Because i spend a whole week at the palace, before anything happened at all. I had to spend the most of this time in my room or in Lord Koumeis office. It felt so lonely in this empty chamber, and I had asked for someone to keep me company. Sure,I should be used to it since a strategists best friend is basically his desk. But my desk wasnt here. Either was my office, so it was different. The new room made me feel lonely. Also, I used to keep the one or other rabbit in my office to keep my company. Why rabbits? Simple. they were quiet, most of the time and you could train them where their toilet is. So there was no need for me to clean afterwards.

But unfortunately, they werent here so i needed someone else. Spending time with the maids felt awkward, Judar annoyed me and the small pink boy, who turned out surprisingly friendly, was busy as well. At the beginning he showed me the hot springs, which were really amazing but I was only allowed to visit them when he kept me company. To look after me, of course. I found out he was the youngest brother of Kouen and Koumei. His name was Kouha. And their parents really lacked of creativity, or found it important that the name of their empire was found in the royal familys names... But I decided to keep thoughts like this for myself. Anyway, after two days my mopd became worser and worser with every second and Kouen had ordered me that I should stay at his brothers office instead. Thats how I ended up there.

We didnt talk much, to be honest. Most of the time he was just busy with his work and I sat in a corner of the room, together with a novel in my hands. And I read in silence. It didnt bother me at all. I knew how important it was, not to get interrupted while planning things. No matter what exactly he planned. It seemed that he didn't only work as a strategist for the Kou empire. He also took care of other buisnesses. Unfortunately I couldnt read which kind of things exactly because he took good care I didnt saw more than I should. Anyway, I was happy that I didnt had to spend all the time alone. But with him. I didnt know why, but for some reason i felt quite comfortable when Koumei was around. Maybe because he was polite and respectful to me from the very beginning, and that never changed. We actually only talked durning the short breaks he took, when he walked out his office and to the garden. Then he asked me questions, but more of personal kind not about my country or anything. That surprised me at the beginning, but I soon knew why. Everytime I tried to change the topic to my country, he either avoided my question or simply told me that the time for that didnt come yet. I stopped with trying to force him into that conversation, after the third or fourth attempt. It was just pointless.

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