Best for my family

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Cauis POV

Three months have passed since our wedding Bella is currently four months pregnant. Today we get to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. Also the other ladies will be finding out also. The funniest part is Bella and Emily conceived at the same time. Their due date is February third. As for the rest of the ladies they are a month behind them they are three months.

Bella was getting dressed now. After breakfast Bella and Emily was going to see Carisle to see what they were going to have. Sam and I were going to join them and we couldn't wait.

After their appointment they were going to take a nap as Sam and I would get cakes to announce the babies sex at lunch. Everyone was excited and couldn't wait to know what the new additions were.

Sam decided since Jared can teleport that him and Emily will stay in Italy until the baby was born. The elders agreed with it and thought it was a good idea for Emily to be with other woman who were pregnant.

We made our way to breakfast and made the kids Bella and I a plate of food. "Mama daddy I'm excited to know what our new sibling is." Brady says.

"Your old room is being converted to a nursery. We are also making one for all the pregnant mamas to be." Jane says happily.

"Thank you baby. We all appreciate it." She says smiling at them.

We ate our food and I gave Bella more food because she's hungry. She has a bump and I love rubbing it. I've also felt our baby kick and I was over the moon.

As we finished eating Sam and I grabbed our loves and went to the medical office we set up for Carisle. "Morning ladies." He says.

"Morning." They say together.

"Ready to find out what your having?" Carisle asked excitedly.

"Yes." We all said excitedly.

Edwards pov.

Tanya has broken away from her coven and is currently residing with her mate. Renee is still alive. She told me that a woman named Marie who Bella used to work for might know where she is. We are currently searching for her now.

"We're one step closer to getting Bella back. With this woman Marie she will know where Bella is." Esme says.

"I can't wait to taste that delectable blood again." I say as my mouth waters at the thought of it.

Before Esme can say anything Alice comes barging in. "Alice what is it?" I asked her.

"Carisle has found his mate. Thanks to your friend I'm able to get some visions." She says.

"Who's his mate?" Esme asked.

"Marie." She says.

"Damn it. I bet you it's the same Marie we're looking for. Do you know where they are?" I asked frustrated.

She shakes her head no. Now I get to get some of our people out to search for him. You find Carisle we'll find Marie and then Bella. Oh we are close indeed.

Cauis POV.

The girls are taking naps as Sam and I go out to get the cakes. "Can you believe what we're having?" Sam asked giddy with joy.

"No I'm ecstatic. Sam can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"Sure What is it man?" He asked curiously.

"Why don't you and Emily live here permanently? If you need to go back to the Rez I don't think Bella will mind transporting you." I say to him.

"I have actually been thinking that. With Colin and Brady here. Jake can be the alpha on the Rez and I can be alpha here. I know it would make Emily happy. She loves Bella and doesn't want to leave her again." He says smiling.

"Well I guess you should announce it then. You should text Jared and them to teleport to the castle for lunch." I say.

"Doing That now." He says and I nod.

We head into the bakery and get the cakes we ordered and headed back to the castle.

Emily's pov

I just woke up my nap and rub my baby bump. I wish we could just live here. I want to be by my sister Bella and raise our babies together. I understand Sam is the alpha of the pack and I would never make him choose.

I make my way to Bella's room and I run into her and we both laugh. "I was just coming to get you." She said.

As we're walking Sam and Cauis sees that we're up from our nap. "Hey baby." They say in unison and kiss our cheeks.

We walk towards the dining room and I see the entire pack here along with the elders. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked still in shock.

"Come on we had to see what our sisters are having." Paul says laughing.

"After lunch we will announce what we're having. I also have announcement to make." Same says and winks at me.

We ate our lunches and had a great time spending time together. Now it was time to cut the cakes.

Cauis and Sam places the cakes in front of us and each couple cut the cake to pull out a piece of cake.

"It's a.........

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