Waking up

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Cauis POV

The moment they walked and I saw her. I just knew that she was my mate. I vamped sped to them and moved the hair out of her face. "What happened?" I asked choked up.

I looked around and everyone was gaping at me. "She's his mate." Marcus says.

Everyone gasped "She has many bonds with all of us." Marcus adds with a smile.

I look at Jasper hoping he will tell me. "She showed us what happened. He hurt her. There were others but we don't know who they are." Jasper says with sorrow with venom tears that will never shed.

"Who?" Aro says making his way towards us.

"Edward." They all seethed angrily. Everyone growled.

"Master Marcus What is my bond to her?" Jane asked worry etched on her face looking at Bella.

"Jane Alec you will look at her as your mother. Aro her uncle. She is my daughter and everyone else will see her as a sister." Marcus says smiling.

"Let's bring her to room." Peter says.

We all nod and bring her to her room. Jasper lays her down and we all look worried.

"Why hasn't she woke up?" Marcus asked concerned.

"One of two things. One she does have a bump that can be the reason. Second she must be talking to the tribes spirits." Carisle says.

"What do you mean?" Felix asked perplexed.

"The shifters. She is the peacekeeper for all supernaturals. She will be our freedom." Peter says.

"Edward left her in the woods several months back. Our theory is that he would eventually come back and take her back. He thought he made her weak but Bella knew his intentions. We protected her when she told us about them when she figured it out." Rose says.

"What intentions?" Aro asked.

"Edward wanted to use her for her power. He wanted to control her. She made him think he did in reality she was only getting closer to him to find the truth." Jasper spoke.

We all looked at them for an explanation. "Bella knew she was powerful but she never told anyone. Except for Jasper as she said it was for our protection. They want to rule the world enslave humans." Peter said with disgust.

"She will be protected." I vow holding her hand praying she will wake soon.

I don't know how long we sat there for her to wake up. She finally started to stir. "Jane get her some food." I ordered her.

She took off without a word and waited for Bella to open her eyes.

Bella's POV

I finally opened my eyes and looked around. "Jazz." I croaked out and a blonde man handed me a glass of water as Jasper helped me sit up.

"Thank you." I said appreciatively. We grazed our hand and I felt sparks.

"I'm Cauis Voltori." He says with a smile.

"I know who you are and it's nice to finally meet you." I say.

Cauis pov

I quirked my eyebrow at her as she said she knew who I am.

"Daddy Marcus told me about everyone here." She said with a giggle.

I had to admit that her giggle went straight to my cold dead heart and I smiled at her.

"Master her food." Jane said coming to stand by me.

I place the food on her lap. "Thank you. I'm famished." She says smiling.

"Lil bit were you talking to the spirits?" Peter asked curiously.

"Yes. They said they want to me fix a mistake that they caused long ago."
She said.

"What mistake dear?" I asked

"Emily." Was all she said. Everyone was confused well almost everyone.

"What about her?" Carisle asked.

"Her scars. The spirits had Sam phase near Emily. It wasn't their intention to for her to get hurt. Sam still blames himself that she got hurt. Even though I tell him it's not his fault." She says as she continues eating.

"This is really good." She adds as she takes another bite.

She looks at Jasper and smiles. "Want some?" She asked and he smiled.

He nodded his head and she gave him a forkful. "How?" Aro asked not believing what he sees.

"Humans food taste disgusting to us." Felix adds.

"Not when she had the power to turn said food into blood when we eat it." Emmett says with a smirk.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yes. Would you like to try?" She asked me and all I could do was nod.

She gave me a bit and the moment it entered my mouth it turned to blood. I was shocked. "That's amazing." I say in awe.

Bella's POV.

"Rose can you call and get Emily here?" I asked Rose with a smile.

"Of course." She says hugging me and left to room to make the call.

"Well send the jet." Aro said.

"Char and I will go there to meet her and be her protection." Peter says and Marcus nods.

"Thanks." I say smiling at him.

"She's family sug we protect our own." Char says smiling.

"Let's leave my daughter for now so she can shower and clean up." Marcus says and everyone leaves me.

I get off the bed and head into the bathroom. It was gorgeous. I huge whirlpool tub and in the edge was shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bath salts, and anything else I could ever want.

I strip down and head towards the sink and I have everything I need there as well.

I just stand in front of the mirror working up the courage to look at myself. When I finally do I gasp at what I saw.

I had a bruise on my neck and along my ribs. My face had a bruised cheek and a cut that's been stitched up on my forehead.

I made my way to the shower and basked in the hot water running over my body.

I grabbed the body wash and it was my favorite sweet pea. Daddy Marcus knew me well. I washed my hair and stood a few minutes under the cascade of the hot water. It felt so relaxing.

I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around my body. I used another towel to dry my hair.

When I was done I walked out of my bathroom to get some clothes. I was shocked when I entered my bathroom.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

Bella the powerfulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora