see me

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no one knew keith's condition all they heard was it was bad. weeks went by. even three months. then a lady came by and told them he was coming home. but that he was in bad shape. "he's in bad shape and he had to relearn everything. but he can still speak and he still knows all of your names. he has all of his memories but he had to relearn how to move his arms and legs. he should be home in a few days" said the lady.

"thank you" said trevor and he went back inside. "he's coming home in a few days" trevor said. "that's good" zoey said a little sad. "hey he'll be fine. he's coming home" shiro said. "what if he isn't the same"  zoey said. "he'll be fine" holt said. "alright" zoey said and calmed down but she still feared he would be different.

days later.....

the car door closed as keith got out of the car with crutches and a bag with all his stuff. he had a cast on his right leg and a bandage around his head and left arm. he had a bandage around his chest for his broken ribs and the road burn he got. he had a nurse to help him open doors and make sure he wasn't going to fall over. she opened the front door and keith went inside.

everyone sat in the lobby some sleeping others reading and others watching TV. the lobby doors opened and everyone turned around. they all saw keith. his face had a cut n his cheek and above his eye. he had a bandage around his head and a small on on his neck. everyone stood up and keith's nurse came in. keith waved his hands making shapes and signs. "i can't talk guys well not for a few days o lucy here is going to translate what i'm saying" the nurse said looking at his hands.

suddenly will and luke hugged keith. he looked down and smiled. then waved hello. "we missed you daddy" luke said. keith signed with his hands. "i missed you guys also and you honey" the nurse said. "uh sit down you must be tired" trevor said looking at keith and lucy. keith saw how his dad looked at the nurse. his face was red he was blushing. but he was hiding it really good.

"so keith we heard that there is going to be a high school reunion next month for our year" lance says. keith nodded. and moved his hands. "i'm getting the band back together and we are going to surprise everyone. we are going to be the special act" lucy said. "wait they want you to sing there" hunk asked. keith nodded. "oh my god how is that going to work u can't talk" pidge asked. "he can't speak for two weeks but he can sing at the reunion" lucy said.

"uh i'm trevor keith's dad" trevor said holding out a hand. "lucy his nurse for two weeks" she said shaking his hand. everyone knew what was going on. pidge suddenly spoke Spanish. "i think they like each other" pidge said. "oh yeah they do keith you have a new mom" lance said in Spanish. keith laughed. "so we all are going" pidge asked. "oh hell yeah me, hunk, keith, you and shiro" lance said.

keith smiled and moved his hands. "oh yeah the band is getting back together again" lucy said. keith got really excited.

okay peoples keith is now going to be in bold what he says. lucy and trevor are going to hang out.

yes i can't wait

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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