the truth

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"i need you to tell me where my family is matt please" keith begged. "they were taken by your step mother. last week we got a finger. we tested it and it was zoey's ring finger. we don't know if there alive or dead. we all promised not to tell you but i said sure not yes. it was everyone's idea to keep you from doing something reckless" matt said.

"so your keeping the fact my family is kidnapped from me" keith yelled. "but i can help you if you help me" matt said. "what do you have in mind and i'll think about it" keith said lowering his voice. "what if i said i could help you save them with a weapon of mine that i need testing on" matt said. "deal" keith said. both boys shook hands.

keith and matt worked for hours until shiro came in. keith got up and left the room, angery. "keith wait" shiro said following him. "why should i stop you ignored me and didn't tell me my family, our family is kidnapped and that you have my wife's finger" keith said and turned around. "you know" shiro said surprised. "oh yeah i know Matt had the kindness to tell me" keith yelled.

at this point everyone could hear them talking. "keith i'm your brother i'm just trying to protect you" shiro said. "protect me by lying to me. by ignoring me for weeks. by not telling me you don't know if there alive or dead" keith yelled. "and you had everyone else do it too. Matt is the only one I've talked to in weeks. now if you'll excuse me i have work to do. unlike some people. i don't want to see or hear your voice for a long time" keith yelled. "keith" shiro said as keith pushed past him. keith ignored him.

keith and Matt worked hard as they worked on the weapon. "okay this can move water, make ice chains, and be a shield. it let's you move through a puddle of water into a different puddle anywhere you want. in clean or dirty water. juice or milk" Matt said holding up the weapon that was wrapped in cloth. "when do i get to try it out" keith said excited to use it and find out what it looked like. "i was thinking at dinner. i already have informed everyone and those that don't want to help will just sit and watch" Matt said. "wait today" keith asked. "yep now i'll show you how to use it" Matt said. 

hours later......

"okay guys you all know what you have to do" Matt said. everyone got up, out of there seats and moved the tables clearing a big space. keith unwrapped the weapon and took it out. it was a big blue and purple staff. "okay who wants to go first to test this new weapon out" Matt asked. lance stepped forward. "i'll try i guess" lance said.

"okay lance grab a weapon and i'll put the armor on you" Matt said. lance grabbed his gun and Matt started to put armor on him. he put a neck brace on him too. "a neck brace why do i need that" lance asked. Matt signed. "so you don't die, or get frost bit" Matt said. lance looked at keith scared. "please don't kill me" lance said.

keith got ready as lance got ready. "ready begin" Matt said. lance began to fire a keith as keith spun the staff. the bullets bounced off and hit the ground. "yes shield works" Matt said and grabbed a bottle of water. keith and lance went back into the ready positions and Matt poured the water on the floor. "hey your cleaning that up" holt said.

"try the dry ice hand cuffs next" Matt said. "DRY ICE" lance yelled. "oh don't worry shiro is doing that one" Matt said. lance began breathing again. shiro stepped forward as he turned his robotic hand on. keith was really mad at him. he knew he'd like this. Matt put gloves on shiro's hands to protect him from the dry ice as keith got ready.

shiro raised his robotic hand ready. "ready go" Matt said. keith spun the staff around as he picked up the water with it. shiro ran towards him swinging his robotic hand. keith pointed the staff at shiro and water went around shiro's hands. then it froze. shiro had his hand cuffed behind his back.

keith undid the hand cuffs and shiro relaxed. "okay Levi your turn" Matt said. "i'd like to keep shiro for this next one Matt" keith said. "shiro do you mind" Matt asked. "nope i think we have something to settle" shiro said getting ready. keith also got ready. "begin" Matt said. keith and shiro ran at each other both mad at one another.

keith threw the staff at shiro and shiro ducked and the staff went into the wall. shiro punched keith in the face as keith slide under shiro and held his hand up and the staff went into it. he then pointed the staff at the sinks in the kitchen and water came out.

keith pointed the staff at shiro and the water surrounded his feet and froze. shiro used his robotic hand and started to melt the ice. keith made a puddle of water and he went into it. minutes passed. more minutes passed as everyone started to get concerned. suddenly keith gasped for air as he stuck his head out.

Matt pulled him out as keith had blood on his hands. "what happened" shiro asked rushing towards keith. "i....i saw them" keith said voice shaking. "what do you mean saw them" allura asked. "the staff lets him go into any water, clean or dirty" Matt said. "i passed through this water fall and i saw them all locked up there alive shiro. there all alive. but shara she was bleeding badly. so i used the staff to grab bandages here and fixed her up. i told them i'd be back" keith said.

my past part 2Where stories live. Discover now