studying w/ wil

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june 1988
for lovelylachambers
this is ew

you sat at the dinner table, legs stretched out in front of you as you fixed your eyes on the stove clock. 6:55

you knew you were free when it was 7 at most. you drank from a glass of water while tuning out your parent's conversation. "can i go upstairs now?"
"just wait a few more minutes. i wanna hear how your day went"
"it was a normal school day. can i go now?"
they looked at each other and sighed
"great." you slammed your glass on the table ran upstairs, slamming your bedroom door behind you with excitement.

you jumped onto your bed, reached for the phone on your bedside table and dialed the number written on an old post-it. it was your best friend jennifer's, you still hadn't memorized it, even though pretty much every evening consisted of gossiping with her and talking about whatever guy she was obsessed with that week. but that wasn't what it was about this time.

that morning during third period she wrote you a note saying call her as soon as you get home and you needed to talk about 2nd period, she was grinning a LOT so you knew it was good.

she told you the basics at passing period, wil had said something about you, she refused to say more no matter how much you begged, so you waited patiently

you had liked wil for about a year. you were secretly waiting for him to ask you out, but that seemed impossible. he was pretty popular, and surprisingly single which was the only thing you two had in common. usually he was with some girl, popular or not they were always prettier than you. you were always intimidated by everything about him, but today was different, hence the reason you had left the table so anxiously.

"i swear he asked me about you in chemistry!"
"you promise you're not lying though-"
"why would i lie about that."
"well what did he say I've been waiting all day"

you were holding in squeals and practically bouncing up and down.
"well he was blushing, aaand he asked what your situation was-"
"what did you say??"
"that you were single, duh. and then
he tried to play it off like it was no big deal but i SWEAR he likes you"

you could barely breath at this point.
"ok well shit what should i wear tomorrow, should i talk to him? no i can't do that. do you think he'll talk to me?"
"probably. you should've seen him, he was all nervous and stuff. you'll see tomorrow." she teased.

"oh god now i'm nervous"
"well, i gotta go my parents are probably pissed."
"see you tomorrow."
your voices were both giddy, you hung up and lied back on your bed, going through different scenarios for the next day in your head.

you hopped out of bed extra early the next morning and took a 20 minute shower, to be prepared.

you wore tank top and a short denim skirt, it being summer and well.. you know. you tied a denim jacket from the closet around your waist and sprayed some perfume around your neck. you packed bubble gum in your pocket and threw on some lip gloss on the way out.

jennifer and her current boyfriend tom showed up in front of your house in his white convertible, as usual. it was always the best mode of transportation. "alright let's go flirt with the goorgeous wil"
you threw your bag in the backseat
"shut up"

you were usually more cautious around her boyfriends, you didn't want any information to trace back to wil or anything like that.

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