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Yep, I'm alive.

And I've got a long, chummy chapter for you (medium rare) with a dash of Hinny and a sprinkle of Teddy x Victoire, all cooked over the span of the time I've been dormant, all put together on this fanfiction sandwich.

Enjoy, my friends. Thanks for reading and please comment your thoughts/feels. I love chatting with you guys 😊

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They landed harshly back on the floor of James's bedroom, shaking with fear and excitement.

"Do you have the hard drive?" Lily asked Albus as she got to her feet.

Her brother sat up and held out the small device, grinning triumphantly.

Lily and James both let out a breath of relief. As worrisome as their situation was, at least they'd been able to save the evidence of their father's possible survival. If they could somehow prove it was a link to Harry Potter being alive, that is.

"He knew," Albus said softly, the smile fading from his face. "Dad knew he was going to die."

"Not exactly," said Lily, still trying to process everything that had just occurred. "He knew that the people that orchestrated the raid were after ... whatever it was he was researching in there. He knew they'd be after him for it —"

James, who had been silent and pale, suddenly cut her off. "Which means that it wouldn't make any sense for them to kill him instantly like that, unless they had already gotten what they needed." He ran a hand through his hair, not unlike the way Harry had in the video. "And according to Dad, he didn't let them get that far when he realized ... whatever it is he realized. He—he could be ..."

"Alive somewhere," Lily finished quietly, "unable to come home."

Albus shook his head, looking pale as well. "It's been five years," he said. "He might have been alive for a little while after the raid, but surely these people that were after him didn't need whatever it was he had that badly—he'd be long dead by now, especially if they were enemies."

"But we don't know that," Lily persisted. "James, Al—he could be alive out there, being held captive by some Dark Arts cult. Surely that video was proof enough that it could be possible. We can't just give up on him; we have to find him!"

James's hazel eyes were clouded behind his glasses as he seemed to think over her words. Lily felt a tiny spark of hope when he met her gaze. "I want to believe you, Lily—trust me, I do. But ... until there's actual proof—"

"Then help me find that proof!" she interrupted, her heartbeat so rapid her entire body seem to pulse with each pump. "If we can't find anything, then ..." she swallowed. "Then we'll know the truth for sure."

James and Albus glanced at each other for a moment. Then both brothers nodded, turning to Lily.

"You're right," James said, his eyes bright with fierce determination. "We need to know for sure." Al nodded in agreement.

Lily grinned triumphantly, and opened her mouth to suggest they again start viewing the files on the hard drive when James stopped her. "But we cannot tell Mum or anyone else. Not until we find proper evidence. We can't let them shut us down and we can't get their hopes up, too, only for it to disappear again."

Lily shut her mouth, but nodded solemnly. As much as she wanted to go bursting into Ginny Potter's bedroom announcing the possible proof of her husband's survival, she knew James was right. Not only would she stop them from looking further into it, but she'd also be destroyed if it turned out to be false. Ginny hadn't been the same since Harry's death; she'd grown moodier, more depressed than before - she was incredibly strong, but she and Harry had really loved each other, and there was no guarantee that she could take the blow of hoping for his survival, only to be let down.

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