What the f-

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(I realized I never done a weekend. Lol sorry.)

I pulled away from the kiss.

There was an awkwardness between us again.

P: "Look your moms here."

Phew, my mom arrived right on time but not early enough to see us.

Y: "Hey mom."

P: "Hello Ms. Hernandez."

We smiled at each other.

C: "You guys seem happy."

C: "Something happen?"

My mom winked at me and I looked at her crossing my arms. Peter laughed.

When we got to our building, we dropped off Peter and I got into bed immediately thinking about our date.

I went to sleep.

(Fast forward, morning.)

Peters POV: 

I woke up this morning and Aunt May asked me...

M: "So, your date go well?"

P: "Yeah, it was great actually!"

M: "What's her name again?"

P: "Y/N."

M: "What a pretty name!"

P: "Yeah."

Your POV:

I got changed in my room into a Spiderman hoodie and jeans.

C: "Where are you going?"

Y: "Out."

C: "Where?"

Y: "Craig's."

C: "Oh. Bye sweetheart!"

Y: "Bye mom!"

Craig's was a café me and my friends like to go to on the weekends.

I walked out the door and grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. Me and Peter walked out the door at the same time. We walked to Craig's together.

P: "Really?" Peter looked at my hoodie.

Y: "Yeah."

I giggled.

When we got there we saw MJ and Ned sitting together waiting for us in one of the booths.

We went to go sit down.

N: "Nice hoodie."

Ned winked at me, I winked back.

MJ: "Why are you guys winking?!"

P: "Its a weird thing they do."

We ordered our breakfast, Ned got toast, MJ got biscuits, Peter got waffles, and I got pancakes. When we finished ordering the waiter left and I put in my earbuds and listened to my playlist.

Peter and Ned were fangirling about something and MJ was on her phone texting her friend.

While Ned and Peter were freaking out, me and MJ talked together about random crap.

MJ: "So how'd the date go?" She said while still looking at her phone.

Y: "Uhh... Fine, why?"

MJ: "From what I heard from Ned it wasn't just fine."

Y: "Wait what! What did he say?"

MJ: "Something about making out."

She said STILL looking at her phone.

Y: "How does he know?!"

MJ: "So it happened?"

She looked up from her phone.

Y: "NO!"

Y: "Answer my question!"

MJ: "Ok, ok! Peter texted him late at night after your date and Peter said you guys kissed."

Y: "Well yeah..."


Ned and Peter turned there heads toward us, we smiled awkwardly.

Y: "Yes we kissed! But we didn't make out."

MJ: "You guys a thing now?"

Y: "I don't know!"

Our food arrived and we talked about how excited we were about school spirit week.

Then I got a text from an anonymous number.


(Its not a real number, don't call it.)

305-555-3333: "Hello! You have been chosen for an elite team, please meet tomorrow, Sunday, at Avengers tower."

You thought to yourself,  What the f-

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