"No one's even dancing." He grumbled.

"Let's set a good example then," placing my hand in his and my other around his neck. He forcefully pulled me closer so that our bodies were fully touching.

"I'm about to make you dizzy."

"I'm sure I'll be able to keep up."

"We'll see," and with that, he abruptly spun me around, dipping me. I slowly stood up. Soon we were doing a kind of salsa that wouldn't fit with the music if we didn't speed it up. Tonight was one of those nights where I was glad that I took dance lessons throughout my childhood and my early teens. Though even with my experience, I was having a hard time keeping up with him. He was naturally graceful. After one particular spin, I said fuck it, and pressed my back to his front opting to just old fashion grind to the music.

This gave me a view of our group at the table who were cheering us on, all except one. My eyes locked with Harry's. He was now sitting in a chair that was slightly angled towards the dance floor. The way he man-spread made him look long yet elegant even as he sat. His pink embroidered suit made him look like a king on a throne. He was slowly swirling a glass of brown liquor around in his hand, as if to stir the contents. It was his face though, that made my movements falter just as I did before. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were pressed in a thin line as he watched us dance. Not being able to handle his expression, I turned back around. As the song ended, the dining parties cheered. I bowed my head, and when I looked up, Harry was missing from his seat. I scanned the room just in time to see him walking out the back.

"I'll be right back," I whispered to Ricky. I patted his chest affectionately as a thank you for dancing with me before following Harry out the back door.

The alleyway behind the bar was almost completely dark except for two street lights that shined down like spotlights. I was sure that there were more lights that were just switched off, but I didn't bother to look.

Harry stood a few yards in front of me with his back leaning against the brick wall. He held a cigarette to his lips as he lit it. "You know, those things will kill you," I scolded. I walked closer to him and rested my shoulder against the bricks so that I was fully facing him. "They'll kill your beautiful voice even faster."

He turned his head to look at me questioningly. He took a long drag, and then another. He closed his eyes, faced forward again, and took two more puffs before throwing the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. "I'm asthmatic, anyways."

I chuckled, "So am I." There was a long silence then. I watched as he breathed, eyes still closed, and his head tilted upward. He would've looked quite peaceful if it wasn't for the slight frown on his lips and wrinkle between his brows. "Harry," it came out as almost a whisper. His eyes opened and met mine. I resisted the urge to touch him."What's wrong?"

There was a sigh, "I got some bad news earlier today, it's still sinking in."

"I'm...sorry. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

He gave me a sad smile and shook his head no. The silence returned and settled over us like a cloud of smoke. He was the one to break it this time. "Your nose..." he mumbled. "It's bleeding."

I touched the skin above my lip, seeing the red liquid as I pulled my fingers back to examine them. I huffed, "Yeah, it does that a lot. It's no big deal."

"Here," he went into his breast pocket, pulling out his pocket square. He offered it to me.

"Harry, no. It's fine."

"Nonsense." He placed a firm hand on my neck to secure me while he used the other to press the cloth to my bloody nostril. And I don't know if the heightened speed of my breathing was because his hand was on my face or because of his close proximity, but it was a little embarrassing.

"Are you one of those people that get squeamish around blood?" I asked jokingly, trying to disguise his effect on me.

"Nah, I fell a lot as a child. I got used to seeing it all the time."

"Are you a vampire?" I teased.

He smiled lightly, "I have you all alone in this dark alley, I have your face in between my hands. If I were a vampire what would stop me from biting into you right now."

I pursed my lips, dubious. "I don't know. My blood would probably make you sick. There's a lot of poison in it at the moment."


"Mhmm. I'm kinda....fucked up. Just a little." It came out as half a moan and half a mumble.

He took the tiniest step closer, "I can't tell. You looked rather graceful out there on the dance floor. You and your friend."

I grinned, "Practice makes perfect."

"So I've heard." He paused, licking his lips in concentration as he one handedly folded the pocket square over and pressed it back to my nose. "He's a bit of a prick, isn't he?"

"Who? Ricky?" I shrugged my shoulders, "He grows on you." He hummed in response and just like that, the silence was back. This time it stayed.

I don't know how long we stood there or when he got so close to me that I felt his breath fan my face. He smelt of menthol, musk, and vanilla. I did nothing but study his features, taking him in. From his eyes that looked a dark evergreen color in the dim lighting, the stubble that lined his jaw, to the little mole near his chin. His jaw was so defined, it could probably cut a heart out of a chest. I felt like a mere mortal in the presence of Adonis. Something about him made my heart beat a little faster.

"Uh," I started quietly, taking a deep breath in. "I don't think it's bleeding anymore."

There was a beat of silence. I saw his lip twitch in a quick smirk. "Me either," he said, but he made no move to move away. He crumbled the cloth into a ball in his fist and placed his other hand on my neck so it matched his other one. His thumb pressed to a particularly sensitive spot under my ear, causing me to close my eyes and nestle my face in his hand like a kitten being pet.

"Bunny," he whispered. I hummed, eyes fluttering open."What's your real name?"

"W-" The door slammed open interrupting me. I took a step back and turned to see Adam, the bass player.

He seemed oblivious to the moment he'd just broken up. "Harry, mate. We're on in 5." He left just as quickly as he appeared.

Harry walked around me and walked inside, leaving me alone in the alleyway. A little bewildered and just a little bit turned on. I took a deep breath, swallowed, and followed him in.

original a/n- :)))))))) pls vote and comment. what do you think the bad news that he got was. tell me what you think is going to happen in the next chapter!! :DDD

till next time

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