The Party

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Hi! So quite a bit has happened, making me not write for a long time. The girls breaking up was kind of a big deal for me, so much that I kind of didn't follow their solo endeavors. 

I recently got back into writing, this story was originally made with different characters, but I missed writing camren fanfic that I've decided to change it slightly.

So I hope everyone likes it, and message me if you want to talk about anything regarding the story or whatever.


It was raining. 5am and it was a horrible morning, not that Camila was expecting any less.

She got out of bed and made a cup of coffee. Mornings have always been Camila's kryptonite. She loved finishing work at 3, but getting up extra early just wasn't her thing.

The phone rang for the third time, and Camila ignored it for the third time. She had told Riley not to call her at work before, but he just wasn't getting the message.

Stop calling me, I'm at work. She texted him.

I need to speak to you!

Then wait until I go on break or finish work. She replied.

She sighed and locked her phone, getting back to work.

2 hours had passed, and although Camila was trying to keep it to the back of her mind, she wondered what Riley wanted to talk about. So much that she decided to leave work early and head home.

"Babe! I'm home," she shouted. No reply.


"Hey," Riley came down the stairs looking lovely as ever, and Camila had a smile on her face the moment she heard his boyish voice.

She went in for the hug and the two embraced for what seemed like an eternity.

"What did you need to speak about?" She asked.

Riley rolled his eyes and sighed.. "well.." he started.

Camila looked on, waiting for him to finish.

"I kind of had a promotion offer," he began. "and I took it."

"That's good though, isn't it?" she asked.

"It would be.." he said, "if I didn't need to go to New York for 2 months"

"2 months?" Camila whispered.

Riley moved closer and placed his hand on her arm.

"2 months?" she asked again.

"I know it seems like a long time, but it could do wonders for us Camila."

"2 months." She repeated.

They stared at each other, a stray tear rolled down Camila's check.

"When would you leave?" she asked.

Riley looked down at the floor. "I leave Tuesday"

Camila stood up abruptly. "You've already accepted it?!" she raised her voice. "Without asking me for my opinion?"

"I tried to call you today, they didn't give me much time, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity." Riley replied.

Camila sat back down and shook her head.

"I'm sorry Camila, but you know how important this would be for me."

Camila didn't reply, she got up and made her way towards the bathroom. Riley tried to follow but the door was slammed before he even reached the bedroom.

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