Chapter 38

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"The Heliofont?! Do you realize what you're suggesting, Charlotte? The Temple's one thing but to send non-ordained women charging up there like it was some enemy fortress?" Victoria sprang off her throne to her feet, staring her older sister down with defiance.

Joanna knew this was not going to be a pleasant conversation. She desperately wished she'd been allowed to sit it out entirely.

"You heard the Priestess's confession."

"I heard the confessions of three priestesses who've been thoroughly disavowed by the remaining Council of the Twelve."

"You know those other nine are just as complicit!" Charlotte cried.

"I can't just act on my own whims and feelings. Where's the proof of your claim?" Victoria snapped.

Charlotte lowered her head and growled. "I have proof that Isabella's compromised the Church and that she was the last person seen with Alex before he was abducted. All that's left now is to strike." She didn't back away from the Queen and remained as close to the throne as she could without taking the steps up.

"At the single holiest site on the entire Island? Do you even realize what you're asking for? You'd be openly starting a civil war with a Church rich and armed enough to split the country in two. We can't afford a two front war. Not with how things are going on the first one."

"I was under the impression the war was turning into a stalemate. Unfortunate, but hardly a dire matter," Charlotte said.

"That was last week. Things have changed since then. While you've been busy running around playing Island intrigues with Parliament, I've had to keep my attention on the war that never actually ended with the Dans." Victoria turned around and waved a hand at the white wall behind her. A bright map projection of the Mainland appeared, with more than half the colonies highlighted in red. "The Federation's been getting more aggressive. A lot more aggressive. The War Council's telling me enemy troops are starting to slaughter civilians and combatants indiscriminately. They've only taken rural stretches for now but at this rate we'll lose the whole continent!"

"Are they trying to help us keep the colonists loyal now?" Charlotte muttered in dumb shock. "Nothing helps national unity more than depicting the enemy as monsters."

"Whatever their reasons, thousands are dead and millions could potentially die. I'm already calling on reserves from the East and South Sea Isles to keep the big cities from being decimated. I can't just divert a few regiments of soldiers for this civil war you want to start."

"Well that seems awfully convenient for Isabella Connington," Charlotte said. "Are you sure it's the Dans that are behind these massacres?"

"Now you're just being paranoid and spiteful," Victoria said.

Charlotte took a step back and took in an audibly deep breath through her nose, as if to signal to the whole room that she had calmed down. "I know. You made a vow to your people as their Queen. A holy oath that I understand you cannot break. But I made a promise too. A promise to Alex's father. I take it just as seriously. If you can't spare any of your troops, that's unfortunate but ultimately your call. All I ask is that you keep them the hell out of my way now. Is that fair?"

Victoria nodded.

Charlotte bowed and turned to walk out of the throne room.


After more than ten minutes of silent pacing in the courtyard, Charlotte finally turned to acknowledge her two friends and let out a tired sigh. With the sun well below the horizon and clouds obscuring any view of the moon and stars, the only light came from the glow of the distant palace.

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