1: Partner in Crime (JPM)

Start from the beginning

I was taken aback. James didn't seem to have any ulterior motives in his mind, and he did just save me.  It couldn't hurt to accept his offer and it seemed like this Miss Evers lady would be around in case something happened to go south. I looked at him with narrowed eyes but placed my hand into his and followed him up to the top floor. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked, seeing a grand and very contemporary room that stood out from the rest of the interior. 

"This room is vacant, but there are some very extravagant clothes in the massive closet and plenty of accessories for you to utilize. That is, if you wish to change into anything. Either way, you'll look simply ravishing." James said, quickly pressing a kiss onto my hand before leaving me alone in the room.

It was all quite fast and unexpected. There were so many questions running through my head: why does he have a bunch of fancy clothes? why is he inviting me to dinner with him now? what if he intends to do something bad? why the hell did I agree to this? It was kind of late to go back, so I looked around for the closet and found the most impressive room of clothes I'd ever seen. It was slightly smaller than the size of an apartment and completely filled with all different styles of clothes. 

There likely wouldn't be a chance that I'd fit into these outfits, but I found that there were a lot of varying sizes up on the racks for certain pieces. There were a few that really stuck out to me, but I decided to make a quick decision since I didn't know how long I had until dinner would be served. It would be better to be early than late, I guess.

I put on a shorter pink-ish grey dress with sparkling embellishments all over the fabric. It was lucky for me that the dress actually fit nicely and I was hoping that it was too much or too little for the occasion. There was a pair of silver sandals in my size as well, and all that I had left to do was fix my hair. My makeup was still okay from earlier so I didn't bother to add to it. With one final look in the full-body closet mirror, I was on my way back downstairs. 

James hadn't told me where to wait for him, nor when, so I went back down to the lobby and saw Liz again at the front desk. She had a very surprised look on her face seeing me come downstairs looking completely differently. I happily went over towards her desk and chatted for a little while.

"Honey, what happened up there? You've been up there for a while and now you come down here looking like a goddess." Liz commented.

I blushed, "Thanks, but I was invited to a dinner event by the owner of this place. He actually saved me from that guy who was chasing me around the street." 

"Wait." She paused seriously, "What does he look like?"

"Um...dark hair, deep brown eyes, old-fashioned accent, fancy suit..." I trailed off.

"Oh my God! Mr. March?" She cocked her head.

"Yeah, actually." I nodded.

"You be careful, honey, but you go have fun tonight. I'll check in with you later if I hear anything going on." She smiled, shooing me away and gesturing to look behind me.

James was standing there, with an outstretched arm and an inviting expression on his face. I hadn't even heard him come down the elevator. I looped my arm through his and went back up to his dining area in the other room of the top floor. He didn't say much to me on the way over, but helped me into the chair opposite of his. 

"You look simply marvelous, my dear." He complimented.

"Thanks, you still look pretty sharp in that suit." I smiled.

There were so many exquisite dishes laid on the table and they all looked delicious. I'd have to thank this Miss Evers lady for making everything so well for only the two of us. She came in later in the evening to remove some of the dishes off the table and replace them with a few desserts. Miss Evers was a matronly lady with auburn hair tied back into a neat low bun and she spoke in an old accent too. I thanked her as soon as she came into the room but she only managed to smile at me. James seem to be quite strict with her and ignored whenever she moved anything around.

He answered some of the questions I'd had before. James had a wife several years ago but, he stated this bitterly, she never really loved him and she died over two years prior. My dinner host also explained that he invited me up with him because I was apparently intriguing and not as brainless as some of the guests that arrived at his hotel. He gave me a few examples of such people and my eyes were wide from the stories.

"Yes, it was about three years ago when we had quite the incursion of people who only aimed to make obscene films in my rooms. Imagine the horror of seeing this disgrace to my palatial building." James chuckled, taking a sip of golden champagne from his glass.

"That's pretty nasty." I remarked.

"I understand that people do as they wish and have their desires, but it was rather vulgar." 

I nodded, not wanting to imagine what he'd seen during that time and trying to think of how to change the subject. James happened to have an idea, seeing as I wasn't too comfortable with what he just told me.

"I apologize if I've caused you any displeasure. Tell me, how is the outside world? Beyond the awful men who follow young ladies around, of course."

"Wait, do you not leave this hotel? Ever?" 

He stood up from his seat calmly and walked towards me while he spoke: "This place requires my every attention and effort. It is vast and would turn to waste if I did not spend all my hours here."

"Really? You don't even do anything fun in your free time?" 

"Oh, believe me, my dear, that I have my enjoyable moments but my concentration has always been primarily focused on my legacy in this historic landmark." He motioned, standing about a foot and a half away from me and leaning slightly on his cane.

"That's admirable."

"As are you, my dear. Would you like to accompany me to my office?" He smiled charmingly. 

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