Ready... Set... Audition!

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The camera starts filming showing off a room with white walls and cherry wood floors. Scattering the ground are different shapes and sizes of scrap metal along with screws and bolts. It was an overall intriguing mess. The walls are in no better conditions as various shelves- holding different trinkets and machinery- are mounted on them. Places where shelves aren't installed are mostly covered in fairly complicated looking blue prints.

However, a small boy positioned criss-cross apple sauce in the middle of the chaos is what demands the most attention. As not only his sense of fashion is rather unique, but his smile seems forceful and heavily rehearsed. His lips twitching every few seconds like he's been holding the same expression for a while now. While his (E/C) eyes look off to the side causing any viewer to doubt he even knew the device was recording in the first place. Although his gaze suddenly shifting towards the camera immediately suggests otherwise. Along with the fact that he's soon seen giving a small wave towards the previously mentioned technology.

"Hey the name's (M/N)! Nice to meet ya, now lets cut to the chase, shall we?"

Despite his rushed introduction, he still waits a few seconds before continuing his speech as if he was expecting to be given an actual signal to do so.

"I'll be honest the money doesn't really intrigue me, not to say I would turn it away if I were to win it though. After all, I would have to be crazy to do that! It's just not, like, my primary objective is all. My actual reasoning is one hundred percent for the challenges and the adrenaline it's gonna give me."

He snickers slightly before exclaiming once more.

"A competition between teenagers with the possibility of danger? Sign me up!"

The room fell silent once again as his grin turns slightly sheepish.

"Plus, I've got nothing better to do for the next eight weeks or so, so ya know I decided to test my luck at some good ol' reality television!"

After his phrase, his smile changes back to his previous one seeming to regain any confidence he had lost beforehand. Although it quickly dies down as he suddenly narrows his analytical orbs at the camera. His mood shifting way too fast to be considered normal.

"But don't get me mixed up with some naïve little kid. Despite my appearance, I'm tough as nails and willing to do anything, whether it be manipulating my competition or just flat out betraying someone, to make sure my stay on Total Drama Island is as long as possible. Besides even if I'm not initially in it for the money... what would be the fun in throwing away my chances just for some random stranger to get the end game award?"

And just like the end of his lips curled inwards forming a devious smirk while his pupils glint with mischief.

"That and I couldn't bare the thought of your ratings dropping because you lost such an interesting character like me too soon in the season. A true tragedy that would be indeed."

His words practically dripping with smugness.

"Anyways that's enough about me! But hey if you want to know more then just let me on your show already~ You won't regret it trust me. Bub-bye~"

As the words flow past his lips, he smoothly slings his legs over the side of his bed before hopping off of it. Bouncing over to the camera and shutting it off.

Great work me, now to start packing! Chris would be a fool to not accept me after all.

The short teen continues to walk towards his closet, where his suit case is stored away, humming a small tune determined to pack up all his necessities today. A playful smile never sliding off of his lips.

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