They have a nightmare of you dying

Start from the beginning

Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
I was back home. Not our house but in Russia. Some people from the Red Room took my daughter and I'm going to get her back. I walked to an abandoned building. They sent me a text with the address. I arrived alone, like they wanted, but I had my earpiece on for backup if I needed it. I walked in and looked around. I didn't see anything or hear anything. I looked around again and when I turned back I saw him. He had my baby. I tried not to pull out my gun and shoot him on the spot. He looked at me and laughed. "The feisty Natasha Romanoff couldn't even look after a toddler." He laughed and pulled her up from behind a car. "Let her go and I'll let you live." He laughed again. "Your too late, Romanoff." He pulled out a syringe and stuck it in her arm. She fell to the ground immediately. I screamed and repeatedly shot him. I was pulled out of a trance by fury saying backup is on the way. I ran over and felt for a pulse. There wasn't any. They killed my baby. I sat with her and cried. My baby
I woke up and looked at the clock 3:34 am I got up and got a cup of water. I stood in the kitchen engulfed in my own thoughts when I heard little feet. I looked and saw y/n standing there. "What are you doing up, мое сердце?" She walked over to me. "Why are you up mama?" I looked at her. "You know what? It doesn't matter. Why don't we go to sleep in my bed?" I held out my hand and she took it. We walked to my room and went to bed

Thor Odinson
It was late. We were all having dinner when a guard came rushing in. "Your majesties, the frost giants are attacking!" Thor looked at Loki and his father. "You guys fight. I will protect y/n." Frigga picked you up and ran down the hallway. The king and the princes went to protect Asgard. Frigga hid in the castle while the frost giants invaded. One frost giant stumbled upon you and Frigga. He made Frigga walk to the center of the fight. "Thor of Asgard! I have a special show for you." The frost giant bellowed. Thor flew down and got ready to throw his hammer. "Touch any of them and I will throw your head all across the 9 realms." The frost giant laughed. He walked closer to you. Thor readied his hammer. "Now you will pain that is the worst in the 9 realms." He touched your hand and you froze. Thor screamed and threw his hammer. The frost giant died but so did his love. His only child
He woke up and looked around. He decided he should check on you to see if your ok. He walked to your door and opened it. She saw you sleeping peacefully. He smiled and went back to his room. But, he turned around and walked over to you. He picked you up and walked back to his room. He laid you on top of him and then he fell asleep. He was glad you were safe

Peter Parker/Spider-Man
I was in the school gymnasium. The Vulture had contacted me and told me that if I ever wanted to see my daughter again, I would have to go the gymnasium and discuss 'stuff' with him. "'Karen, scan the building." A few seconds later, she responded. "Only two heat signatures. A dog and a cat." I sighed. Was he playing me. "Hello, Spider-Man." I turned around and saw him holding my daughter. "Come on. Let's be civil adults and talk this out. Can you please let go of my daughter?" He looked at me, then at her then back at me. "No. For starters, I want you to suffer. So what better way then to do it like this." He flew up in the air and tried flying towards the water. I webbed (is that a word?) him and tried to keep him but the web broke. I tried to follow him but he made it there before me and threw her in the water. I screamed and cried. My baby
I shot up and looked around the room. I was in my bed. I sighed in relief and looked next to me. Y/n was sleeping peacefully. I smiled. If anyone wanted to come and get my baby girl, they would be prepared for the fight of their lives. No one is going to separate me and my baby. I laid my head on hers and snuggled her close to me and fell asleep

Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
I was in Winter Solider mode. Thank god Steve was over that day. He was protecting y/n and trying to get me back. "Bucky come on, I know you're in there." I looked at him and tilted my head. "Who the hell is Bucky?" He looked at me stunned. He picked y/n up and ran to the back room and called shield. I walked into the room and aimed my gun. "Bucky come on. It's me, Steve, and your daughter." I started at him then shot them both. Shield came later and managed to snap me out of it. I looked around. "Where's Steve And y/n?" One of the agents looked at me sympathetically and motioned their head to the two bodies covered on a stretcher. I guessed the worst and collapsed. I'm a monster. I killed the two people I care about. What am I?
I woke up and looked around the room. It wasn't like it was in the nightmare. Maybe it didn't happen. I opened the door and walked to y/n's room. She was asleep on her bed. I sighed. I promise I'll change. I won't be a monster to you. I'll be the best dad in the whole world. I walked over and kissed her forehead. "Till the end of the line."

Loki Laufeyson
It was late. The dark elves were attacking the palace. I told y/n to go hide so she ran. I had just killed an elf when another appeared. I was about to kill it when I realized it was hiding something behind its back. "Show me what your hiding!" I yelled. He smiled and pulled my daughter from behind him. I was shocked but angry that he thought he could take my child and hold her captive. "Let her go this instant!" He smiled and said " Long live Asgard." Then he slit her throat. As soon as the knife made contact with her skin, I broke his neck. It was too late. I ran over to hug her and tell her it will be ok. "We will met again and rule the world, my princess. I swear."
I woke up started. I looked on the floor and y/n was reading a book. She looked at me and smiled. "Look daddy, I'm being you!" She showed me the book. I smiled at her and laughed. "You sure are just like me, love. Exceptional and one of a kind. You're my miracle." I walked over and picked her up then started tickling her. I'll protect her with my life because she made me the person I am today. Without her, I wouldn't be able to function. She's my life, my heart and my soul so I'm going to protect her

Peter Quill/Star-Lord
We were on my fathers planet (??don't ask we're just gonna keep it like this my storyline in the book is all kinds of messed up...accurate, but messed up). He was trying to get me to stay with him, but I refused so he got upset. He had met y/n before and honestly the meeting was fine but he decided to use my love for her against me. He found her and threatened to kill her. The guardians and I were furious so we attacked him. He was getting his but kicked (I mean 'dance off bro?') and he decided in a final act of spite, that he should kill my daughter. He grabbed her and killed her right front of us. We attacked him and killed him. I walked over to y/n and tried to wake her up, but she didn't budge. "You can't leave me. Not yet." I hugged her and cried. I lost her
I woke up and sighed. "Gotta stop having these nightmares." I walked out of the room and into the main area of the ship. I saw Gamora playing barbies with y/n. I smiled. No ones gonna take my Starburst away. Not until I die

Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Francis was back in town and I'm ready to cut his dick off. I was tracking him down. I had to go across town so I called Metal Man and negasonic to watch y/n. When I arrived, I was chocked to find no one. I saw a note that said 'nothing can break a bond between a father and a daughter'. I immediately raced back home. What I found was the house in shambles. Negasonic was knocked out and colossus was tied to the bed. Kinky, not now wade. Anyways, I ran to the roof on a instinct. I saw Francis with y/n, holding her by her shoulder. "So nice of you to join us Wade. Let me tell you, you're daughter has a mouth. I seed where she gets it from." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Let her go, you sack of balls or I'll make you." He laughed. "You wouldn't risk the life of your daughter, right? Let me ask you kid, is he a good father?" Y/n narrowed her eyes at him and smirked. "Probably better than you are in bed." I smiled. That's my girl. He clearly wasn't happy. He pulled a gun out and without hesitation shot her in the chest. I pulled out my Katana and sliced his head off. I rushed over to her and held her. "It'll be ok, jr. I'll get some help." She smiled and touched my face. "It's ok, daddy. I can finally meet Vanessa."
I woke up in a sweat. I looked next to me and saw y/n sleeping cuddling next to her unicorn. I smiled. "I'll protect you jr. I mean someone has to be around to see marvel buy fox."

T'Challa Udaku/Black Panther
Killmonger had taken over Wakanda. He wanted to kill any heirs to the throne so that Wakanda May never get another Black Panther or ruler again. Shuri and my mother were in hiding. They had just left. I went to the palace in search for y/n. She was the last royal to get out of the palace before I challenged him. I walked up to her room to find him holding a knife to her throat. She looked terrified. "Hello cousin. Nice room for your daughter here. It matches Wakanda's style...elusive." I looked at him then back at her. "Let her go. She has nothing to do with this. He smiled. "Oh she does. She's the heir to the throne. We can't have heirs. I'm going to be the only And last ruler Wakanda has." He took the knife and slit her throat. I attacked him and fatally wounded him. I then ran over to my daughter and held her while crying. First Baba then her? Why
I woke up and stood up. I ran to my door and bolted down the hallway to her room. I opened the door and looked at her. She was sound asleep. I smiled and sighed. I wish killmonger would try to come get her. I will make sure if he will never see the light of day again. I will do anything for my princess.

Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange
He had a nightmare you got killed by dormammu

Scott Lang And Hope Van Dyne/Ant-Man and The Wasp
He had a nightmare you got killed by Yellowjacket while hope had a nightmare you got stuck in the quantum realm

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