Chapter 27 ~ Reckless Love

Start from the beginning

He tilted his head inquisitively. "My reflection?"

Mia nodded.

"Well, I was bathing in the creek earlier this morning..."

Mia blinked in surprise. "You... bathing?" Beyond inadvertently getting clean by playing in the water, she didn't think that word was even in Peter's and the Lost Boys' vocabulary.

"I think I might've seen my reflection," he said, ignoring her previous comment and scratching his cheek thoughtfully.

Suddenly, he stopped. He brought both hands to his face and felt his cheeks.

"Oh..." he said. "I've done it again, haven't I?"

"If you mean you've aged a bit, then yes. You're... well, you're a bit... older."

Mia braced herself, fearing an explosion. How would he take this? Surely not well. From his comment, he seemed aware that he sometimes aged, but had he ever aged this much? Would he be okay with it or would he freak out?

"It's just as well," he said with a shrug. "I want to be as old as you are, maybe a year or two older so I can take care of you properly."

Mia was taken aback by his bold yet romantic claim on her. "I-I'm 19," she stammered, not knowing what else to say.

"Then I shall be 19 plus two!" he announced with a strange cry of finality.

"That's 21."

Peter laughed and took her by the hand. "C'mon. I got you a present."

"A-A present? Really?"

It was difficult trying to keep up with the swing of his thoughts and compulsions. She'd barely gotten over his most recent transformation. Peter was certainly taking things in stride.

"Yeah," he said. "Follow me."

Holding her hand, he led her through the forest and into a wide, open meadow. There in the middle, grazing among the lush green grass and wildflowers, was a young stallion. His coat was such a pure, snowy, unblemished white that he could almost have been a unicorn if it weren't for the lack of a horn.

"Oh, wow," Mia breathed. "He's beautiful! But Peter, surely this can't be my gift. I mean, he's wild, isn't he?"

"A bit, but I made friends with him this morning. He likes my flute, and I've been feeding him apples. He really likes those. Here." He reached into the pouch on his hip and handed her an apple. Then, he put the flute to his lips and played a jaunty little tune.

The stallion lifted his head and let out a whinny. With a shake of his mane, he trotted towards them, his ears perked. He gave Peter an affectionate nudge, expressing his approval of his musical talents. Then, he turned his head to Mia, sniffing at the apple. Mia held her hand out flat, and the stallion eagerly munched on the apple. His lack of hesitation showed that Peter truly had befriended him.

Mia reached up and gently stroked his muzzle, murmuring, "Pretty boy. Such a pretty boy."

When the horse had finished his treat, he gave Mia a nuzzle. She embraced him in return, rubbing his neck and suppressing a girlish squeal.

"See?" said Peter, lowering his flute. "He likes you already."

"He's wonderful," said Mia, her eyes sparkling.

"So, it was a good present then?"

Mia hesitated. She wasn't so sure this horse was Peter's to give. After all, it was wild. Friendly, but untamed. She wasn't sure it could belong to her, no matter how badly she wanted it to. But Peter was waiting for an answer, and he seemed so pleased with himself. And really, couldn't this be a present? After all, Peter had clearly made the effort to befriend the horse so she could get near it. She was flattered that he remembered how much she liked them, for Peter wasn't one for remembering things.

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