14. Valentines Special~Keith x Reader Highschool AU

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As I post this it will be Valentines Day and I have tried to write and X reader for everyone before today so if I miss someone I'm sorry I'm really busy with school and all anyway Happy Valentines Day 💕💕 Enjoy!

Keith's POV
Ok as you all know this week is Going to be Valentine's Day which on that day we have a school dance and invite our date or go by ourselves ect. Well usually I wouldn't care about these things but recently I have been feeling very different. Let me explain there's this girl Y/n to be exact well I've known her since we were in diapers.

I've always thought of her as my best-friend but recently things have changed big time Y/n just started to date the jock of the school Lotor ! As soon as she told me I was angry. I don't know what came over me it was like I was mad at Y/n for liking him I've never felt this feeling before so I didn't really know how to react to it. Of course I didn't tell Y/n I was mad at her for dating Lotor I just avoided her when she would try to talk me I would pretend I didn't hear it when she's would text me I would say I'm busy.

I would have talked to her tell her how I felt but she had Lotor to worry about not me. Anyway back to me talking about the dance I wanted to ask Y/n but she's going with Lotor so I might not even show up.

                        ~Day before the dance~
So school just ended and I was walking out of the building to go home usually I walk with Y/n but ya know her and Lotor. Before I fully walked out of the gates Y/n ran over and started to walk with me i didn't really know what to say but I just stood quiet and walked. I could feel the awkward vibe radiating from the both of us I was going to stay quiet but well Y/n spoke up.

"Why have you been avoiding me" She asked with hurt and curiosity In her voice. I couldn't tell her it was because of Lotor but in general I had no choice "it's nothing don't worry about it" Y/n got mad at that statement! "What do you mean it's nothing don't worry about it. First of all your my best-friend and have to worry about you second it has to be something if your avoiding me." I don't really know what happened after that but I told her the Truth "You and Lotor aren't good together he's just gonna hurt you"

She was fuming Y/n always got angry easily " why would you say that Lotor loves me and I know he wouldn't hurt me" she is giving me a glare as I just keep walking looking down at the concrete."Y/n you don't have to listen to me but he's using you why can't you see that" she looks away from me I can see tears roll out of her eyes "Fine but just know not to talk to me anymore I don't even want to look at you"Then she left my side walking in a different direction. my heart shattered knowing I just lost the girl I loved most and I can't do anything about it.

        ~Time skip day of the dance~

Well todays the dance and I'm being forced to go by my buddy lance he said he realized I was down and said I'd feel better if I went. I know perfectly well I will feel terrible about it. Seeing  Y/n happy with that mother fucker. Once school was over I walked with lance to his house and we got into nice clothes fresh-end up   To look nice. "I don't really feel like going lance" he look at me with his natural Bitch face "your going whether you like it or not it will be fun just see" I scoff at him " ok then hurry up so we can go".

Finally Lance finished getting ready so we got in his car and drove off to the dance who would have thought that this night would be so crazy. We walked in through the front doors hearing the loud music seeing people dancing and having a good time. I immediately see Y/n standing next to Lotor holding his hand while he talks to his buddy's. I didn't mention this before but Lotor is the captain of the Basketball team and he's y'all and buff as for me I have muscle but I'm not on any sports team like he is.

I look back at my side and realized lance is gone most likely to go flirt with girls the usual. I see a few girls staring at me so I go and sit at an empty table so nobody bothers me I have a perfect view of Lotor and Y/n which isn't so great for me. I see Y/n give me a small glance then look away. After of sitting at the table for a few minutes I see Y/n walk away from Lotor most likely going to get punch so I just stare at my table to see when she gets back. (Come on Keith why you such a stalker)

Then all of a sudden I hear something clash to the floor and look up to see Lotor kissing some other girl and Y/n standing in front of them punch glasses to the floor after pouring the juice on them. Everyone had there eyes on them and Y/n quickly ran out of the gym. I got up and went in front of Lotor and yelled at him I felt someone grab my arm I look back and see lance most likely gripping my shoulder to hold me back. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HER" he growled at me "none of your business loser now back off" I got pissed shoved lance off me and punched Lotor square on the jaw. He was stunned only for a second but quickly punched me back near my eye I could already feel the bruise combing along.

A few guys broke us up before the teachers saw us once that was over I ran out of the gym to go find Y/n the only place she could be is the roof mainly because she loves the view. Once I get to the top I silently open the door immediately seeing her beautiful form staring up at the stars  I walk over and sit next to her. She wipes her tears "What come here to say I told you so" I grab her small form and pull her towards me enveloping in a hug I can feel her tears seep into my shir. "Hey look at me" she slowly looks up her eyes watery and clear "I'm sorry he did that to you but I have a confession the reason I was upset about you and Lotor was because I was jealous" she looks at me with curiosity "Y/n I like you your perfect in every way you make me happy and I want you to be mine." My face was bright red she smiled at me "of course I'll be yours I love you Keith" I smile back at her "I love you to Y/n.

Then we shared a kiss under the night sky never forgetting this moment between us 💕❤️
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY I have to post more and I'm sorry I might not get everyone but still I need a valentine I love you all 💕❤️

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