The Birthday

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It had been 2 weeks since that day at the park and today was kacchans birthday. Even though Katsuki had ended there friendship Izuka was determined to give Katsuki The best birthday any All might fan the gift of a lifetime. She had saved up her pocket money to buy A autographed All might Figurine. When It had arrived she carefully put it into an old shoe box and wrapped the box in her best All Might wrapping Paper, Finishing the gift with a small note. She went to her closet and picked out her best outfit. A green vest with a small pink skirt and a white ribbon on the top of her head that she tied to make it look like all mights V. She readied herself mentally for the scolding that katsuki would deal out. She walked out of her room with a small smile in which her mother responded with a huge beaming smile "Are you ready?" asked Inko. Izuka readied herself and did a small hop both of excitement and anxiety. The pair exited the small apartment and hoped into there small car and drove away. 

90 minutes later

Izuka and her mother had arrived to the small gathering wich was well underway with a reasonable buzz emitting from the area. Izuka spotted three tables each had a chair that was filled with someone with some meaning to katsuki. She looked around at the tables. Her eyes widened when she realized there was not a chair to spare for Izuka. She still had held on to the small bits of hope that kacchan was still her friend but this. She knew that he was serious about what he had said at the park. She gathered up what courage she had left and walked toward the table were kacchan was sitting. To his left sat one of first friends that he had made after Izuka, She never got his name because ever time he was in her presence he would bully her sometimes backed by kacchan. "H-Hey Kacchan! Happy birthday! brought you this, please take it!" she said with her remaining nerve she held the gift out for her friend to grab. "I dont want it, I dont want you to be here. I dont want to be your friend! is that to hard for you to understand Deku!" Said katsuki his voice getting louder and louder by the second drawing the attention of the rest of the guests and some of the adults. katsuki Slapped the gift out of Izukas hands snapping her out of the daze his yelling had caused. "We were supposed to be Heros together! You said it yourself you cant be a hero without a quirk!" katsuki yelled now standing, He took a step foward and muttered "And I sure as hell don't want to be a quirkless failure like you" he spat. Izukas head filled with memories of her father calling her worthless. His voice swirled in her head, Then the voice was joined by kacchans. "You are no daughter of mine!" "You cant be a hero without a quirk!" "You are dead to me!" "I dont want to be friends with a Deku like yourself!" Izuka turned around slowly tears pouring down her sad face, she kept her face down looking at her shoes as she started to run towards the car. Inko tried to grab the crying midoryia but she slipped out of her grip. Izuka ran and ran until she hid herself behind a thick tree. She fell to the ground as tears poured out of her eyes uncontrollably. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop. Her mind was filled with the voices of her father and Kacchan. She gathered her strength and pulled herself up and walked around the tree. She could see some of the adults calling her name and looking for her. She decided that she would try to sneak back to the car and leave quietly without drawing attention to herself. She crouched sneakily behind some bushes, Her plan was going smoothly when she noticed something weird. A strange aura had appeared behind katsuki chair. Standing there quietly she observed as the aura grew larger and larger until it was the size of a small door. Panic started to fill Izukas mind, What should she do? the Adults werent looking and the kids were distracted by the presents that kacchan was opening. A sudden moment of clarity. Her body started to move on its own. She started to sprint towards katsuki and the aura, she thought she could make out the tips of a set of fingers coming out to grab kacchan. With renewed speed she dashed towards katsuki which had now started to take notice in Izukas mad dash. He raised his fist as if he was going to throw a punch at the young girl. Izuka dived toward katsuki both her arms outstretched in a  desperate attempt to get Kacchan out of the way. She nosedived towards him pushing him out of the way of the hands. At almost a inhuman speed the hand grabbed the back of Izukas shirt and started to pull her in through the portal. The only thing that she managed to get out before being pulled through the portal was "Im sorry" Izukas small body now was full through the portal as it closed. Katsuki raised and outstretched hand towards were the portal used to be. katsuki sat on the ground confused processing what just happend. The only thing that he could think of was. That izuka saw a potential threat to someone and acted on thing. That she needed to save him, Even though he had yelled at her and wasn't her friend anymore she still saved him. He got up and walked over to were the gift that he had slapped away lay. He picked it up and read the card. A single tear formed at his eye. It read, "Dear Kacchan, Thank you for being my friend, Thank you for believing in me even though I  didn't have a quirk. Thank you for standing up to those bullies in first grade when they took my stuff. Im sorry I dont have a quirk and that you wasted your time on me. Sincerely Your friend, Izuka Midoryia. Katsuki Opened the gift and unboxed the All might figure and flipped it over and saw the autograph. He dropped to his knees and started to cry. He wasnt a hero, She was, The only hero without a quirk. The worthless Deku was more than a hero than he was and he had bullied her. And yet he saved her. Even though He hurt her. 

Else where in a dark basement a group huddled around the small terrified girl 

"well well, Looks like we caught the wrong fish" said a deep and voice. Izuka trembled as she looked at the scary figures that surrounded her. She gathered her courage and spoke up "I-Im not scared of you guys! you couldn't even take a kid in broad daylight! what kind of Villans are you!"  "Some spirit I see, Well we can work with that" said the voice as a hand grabbed the small girl. 

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