It was the mirror

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I woke up to the sound of metal hitting glass, more like bouncing off of glass, I opened my eyes to see Justin hitting the large mirror placed against the wall with a metal base ball bat. I sat up as Justin kept hitting the mirror

"Justin stop",

He just kept hitting it

"Justin stop!",



He threw the bat onto the floor and turned towards me

"It wasn't me! I don't mean to do these things! it's not me! It's the mirror! You have to believe me it's the mirror!", he starred into the mirror before he punched it, the glass still not breaking

"Look! It's not me looking back", I stood up and looked at the mirror, it was justin staring back.

I don't even know what to think anymore

I sat with my back against the wall facing the mirror, I played with the note my dad left me, but then I opened it, I think I'm ready to read what's inside

I opened it and soon was met with my fathers hand writing

It read

'I know things don't really make sense to you right now...but hey, what did dad always tell you? What you crying about? I'm right here. If you got this letter it means I'm dead. Nala, I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad. But remember I tried to give you the life that I never had, I know your sad, even when you smile, or when you laugh, deep inside you wanna cry. And I know there's problems with Justin and you're probably scared, don't worry I'm with you in your prayers. Please don't cry anymore wipe them tears, no more nightmares, you and Justin are going to pull together through it. I know when you were younger things were always confusing you, daddy was always on the move mama was always on the news, I tried to keep you sheltered from it, the harder I'd try to do that the more it backfired on me. We didn't plan it to be this way your mother and me but things got so bad between us and she didn't see us ever being together again like we used to be when we were teens, but everything always happens for a reason. I guess we were never meant to be but that's something we have no control over, I guess it was destiny.

I remember back one year when I had no money, mama bought the Christmas presents and stuck them under the tree and said some of them were from me, cause I couldn't buy them, I'll never forget that christmas, I was up the whole night crying.

See I felt like a bum, cause I had a job but the job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom.

And at the time, the house kept getting broken into and robbed or shot up on the block.

And your mom started saving money in a jar for you so you could go to college, we almost had a thousand dollars till someone broke in and stole it, it sucked so bad it broke your moms heart.

Then every thing started to fall apart, we were arguing a lot, so mom took you and moved to the chalmers, into a flat, one bedroom apartment, and I move back to the other side of 8 mile and novara.

That's when the gang really took off and you and mama would come to see me, but I had to work, you an mama had to leave, and you started seeing dad on the tv.

Mama didn't like it, and you were to young to understand that papa was a rolling stone and mama developed a habit and it all happened to fast for either one of us to grasp it.

All I ever wanted was to make you proud. But I guess I didnt. and it just trips me out how I'm siting in this empty house, looking at your baby pictures. Damn you've grown, you're so beautiful now, you always were.

Love you,


I threw the letter onto the floor next to me, and ran my hands into my hair. Hot tears ran down my face.

I forgot about all of that

I forgot how good it was

I have to go to the station and get Justin

Before everything starts to fall apart





The boy with the grey eyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin