Constant Lies

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Justin and I have been going strong for about a week. Yeah, he goes out and parties all the time, but he really cares for me... Yeah, he has a short temper... And yeah, sometimes he hits me... But most of the time I deserve it.

I ran my hand to meet Justin's. I hated the fact that I had to fall asleep without him there. I opened my eyes and lifted his head from the side of my hip. I turned his hand only to see a number written on his palm.

Jessica: 556-2437

I harshly threw his hand back against him and stood up out of bed.

"Well, good morning to you too, fucker," Justin slurred as he was rudely awakened from his sleep. I spun around to face him and slammed my foot on the ground.

"Don't fucking good morning me! cheater face!" I screamed at him before I jumped on his side of the bed. I started to slap him and punch him, just hoping one hit would make him feel the pain he makes me feel, but Justin grabbed my wrist and flipped me over to pin me down, taking control of the situation.

"Stop! Fuckin' stop, Nala! What the fuck has got into you?!" I sucked all my spit to the back of my throat then I released it all into his face. He let go of me and rolled off in disgust to wipe the spit off of his face.

"FUCKING CUNT!" He screamed after me as I got up and walked out of the room. I started going down the stairs when Justin grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Where you going?"

"I'm leaving you." I spat at him before ripping myself out of his grip and continuing down the stairs.

"No you're not, come on. Come back, we can start again. I laid my hands on you... I'll never stoop so low again... Baby, I don't know my own strength!" I didn't reply to what he said. I just kept walking right out of the house and slammed the door. I walked a little ways before I took out my phone and dialed Kiandria, and after a few rings, she picked up.

"Hey Nala, what's happening?" I tried to keep my tears back before talking but it didn't work, they started to flow.

"I need you to pick me up."

"Wait, why?" Lightening crackled overhead, followed by a roar of thunder that caused me to jump.

"Don't ask why, just do it! I'm on 8 mile and Navara." I hung up the phone, sat on the curb, and waited. Just as Kiandria's car pulled up, Justin ran out of the house.

"Nala, if you get in that fucking car! I swear to fuckin' god, Nala..." he spat after me as I opened the car door and slide inside. I shut the door and Justin ran up and started banging on the passenger window.

"NALA GET OUT OF THE DAMN CAR! NALA GET OUT OF THE DAMN CAR!!" I didn't bother to look at how angry he was, I knew he was fumming.

"Drive," I told Kiandria as I looked straight ahead, watching the new falling rain. Her wheels screamed as she pressed on the gas, taking off, I looked at the review mirror to see Justin chasing after the car.

"WHAT THE LIVING FUCK? I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM! HE'S SCUM, NALA!" I clenched my jaw and avoided eye contact with her.

"Let me out of the car." I muttered.

"No! I'm not letting him get to you!"

"I said let me out of the damn car!" I screamed in a high pitched voice, and using my hands to make my point. I could tell she was shocked by my out burst. Slowly the car pulled over. Once it came to a full stop, I got out and slammed the car door. I took off walking back towards Justin's. I was about half way there when I felt someone pull me into the alleyway and pin me against the wall.

Familiar grey eyes were burning into mine. I could see black clouds in his eyes forming. I knew a storm was coming. His hair was soaking wet and water was running down his face. He placed his forearm against my neck and pulled his free arm back, he swung forward and hit the brick wall a inch away from my face, you could hear the bones in his hand crack from the impact.

"Shit, here we go again." He hissed to himself before he removed his forearm from across my neck and placed it vertically along the brick wall by my head. He kept his other fist on the other side of my head. His eyes didn't look angry anymore. In fact, they looked sad and full of regret. He stared into my eyes for a while before he rested his head on my chest.

"I wasn't looking for something when I met you, it must have been fate. My life with you is at stake. What the fuck does it take? Promise me if I cave and leave my heart open that I won't be making a mistake." He lifted his head from my shoulder and looked into my eyes. I lifted my hands from where they were pressed against the wall, and ran them up his chest and stopped on his pecs. I pushed him off of me and ran out of the alley, back towards the house.


You thought she'd forgive him huh?





The boy with the grey eyesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz