Another Mistake

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Marinette's POV

I avoided Alya for the rest of school hours today. I don't wanna talk about confessions or crushes with Alya cause I might end up spilling some secrets no one should know

Immediately the bell rung I got up and raced to the door

"Marinette! Hold up!" I heard Alya yell from behind me. I slowed down then gulped when she caught up with me.

"I know you don't want to talk cause you're afraid of getting hurt or something... I understand" Alya smiled

"Thanks" I grinned.

"But that doesn't mean I ain't gonna talk to you bout it." She added

I gave a frustrated sigh then increased my pace

"Girl don't try to walk out on me. I will catch up with you and when I do you will regret" She threatened me.

Wow... Classical Alya

I reduced my pace.

"Marinette... You've liked Adrien for so long... Why-"

"I got tired" I said without letting her finish
"But he likes you..." She frowned

".... I'm in love with someone else Alya." I sighed
"So you just wanna leave Adrien?" She rose an eyebrow
"For someone that you don't even know under the mask?.. Someone that would be too busy to love you back" she added

I stopped walking. I tried processing what she just said... Nd yeah it hurts... A lot.

It's true. I don't know who he is... And he'll be too busy saving the world to love me back.

"Marinette I don't wanna hurt you..  I don't wanna be the bad guy in your love life but... I need to tell you the truth-"

"It's not the truth... That's your opinion" I frowned

"Fine. My opinion... Aren't you scared of getting hurt? What about Adrien?" She asked

I continued walking and she followed

"I'm not the one that chooses who I fall for... If I had the chance I'd rather be lonely cause love hurts a lot. I can't predict what will happen and I am trying to remain calm but you are not helping." I frowned

"... I'm sorry" she apologized.

I gave her a fake smile to ease up the tension.

It didn't work though. She looks so guilty.

We got to my house then she waved me bye then left

I watched her walk away then I moved inside

"I'm back!" I yelled to let my parents know I'm home.
I sighed then went to my room.

I opened my purse to let Tikki out
"Awwn Marinette please don't be discouraged." She hugged my cheeks

I starred at the floor then let all my tears rush out.

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