Immediately, Swan stepped back and allowed a small gasp to escape through parted lips. Sorcery at best. This was evidently the part where reality stopped and good old fashioned hallucinations began.

"Lieutenant Swan," Andrew began in a bored tone, "is currently unavailable. Now let's continue. Machavano. Did you plan his execution?"

"Hardly," Adriana suddenly appeared fully awake, as if every sense of colour and noise had been glorified, "I'd like to see Miss Swan. Until then, I'll be answering no further questions."

"I thought that you'd ask to speak to your lawyer," Jones stared. His fingers lightly drummed upon the table and only the blonde understood that it was a definite sign of being anxious. Most likely, anxious about the two women clashing in an interrogation room. "Would you like to ring him?"

"He's on his way. Get Miss Swan to me. I'll tell her everything there is in the definition of the truth. Until then," Adriana lowered herself onto the table's surface and reached a little closer to Andrew. Her smile was poisonous. "Leave, Officer Jones. Your handsome face does nothing for me."

Swallowing hard, and feeling quite infuriated from her inability to crack under the current questions, he separated himself from the chair. Then standing back just a little and offering a grim look, Andrew folded his arms.

The woman was incredibly composed although falling apart from some kind of inner demon. He had sensed the fragility of her aura upon entering the room. The slight uneasiness that was shadowed from her belief in putting on a professional demeanor like a safety suit. Clad in what may be labelled as office attire, Adriana seemed like any ordinary woman in the world of work. Not the kind to be found in a safe house on the outskirts of the Bronx, munching on pretzels and sipping coffee.

But now, this perhaps posed the toughest challenge. Should he introduce Samantha into the already conflicting setting? Based on his knowledge on their relationship, Jones detested the idea. He had understood the blonde's doubts and pain arising from finding herself in such a sticky situation as this one. Where her heart was captured by the looks and likeness of a mafia widow.

"You're nothing but a criminal now, Mills," he suddenly found himself saying in a distasteful manner. "You've been arrested for murder. Also acting as an accomplice..."

Adriana's eyes flashed as she rose up. "Listen to me, you disrespectful..."

"Sit down," he ordered in a cold tone that was directed at the brunette like a splash of water. "And start talking or else I'll bloody lock you up until the FBI gets here. And I wouldn't dare digress by elaborating on their kind of interrogation tactics. Your pretty face might not be admirable after fifteen minutes with their lot. So weigh your options."

Silence still. The low hum of the A.C began to drive him crazy as the two of them entertained a stare off contest. It was almost as if she just enjoyed tormenting his existence in the room, so much, that Adriana diverted her eyes elsewhere eventually.

"Suit yourself," Andrew threw at her. He strode to the door and reached for the knob.

"You wouldn't even spare me a drink of water?" she asked from behind. Her tone suggested mockery. "Didn't your mother raise a man to respect a lady?"

Samantha literally witnessed the volcano within Andrew erupting. The lava spilled over as he angrily pulled open the door and disappeared from view. He was, in all fairness, a respectable man. One that considered the pounding down of criminals as part of his job duties and not an ability to be dragged out of the precinct. On Sundays, Jones liked some good old fashioned tea and butter biscuits accompanied by a black and white movie on TCM. And that volcano within him was seldom triggered.

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