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For obvious reasons, the drive to the precinct was a nerve wrecking one because it was definite that certain wounds never could heal completely.

Samantha frightfully discovered that after long and difficult days of trying to bury those doubtful and unpleasant feelings about Adriana, the memories and everything began to slowly drift to the surface. Just when she had tossed the dead weight overboard into murky waters, the dark mass was rising to the top of the choppy waves. Rising with vengeance and the kind of power to flatten her, as she sat in silence whilst Jones drove through the night.

By the time they located the interrogation room the brunette had been placed in, Swan's throat was parched enough. So delivering the verdict that he would initiate the round of questions upon Adriana, Jones rounded the corner and Samantha went shakily to the water cooler.

It wasn't fair, was it? To sink so deep into a dark pit of fears, only to clamber up and now with dirt in your nails, someone was ready to push you down into the darkness again. That's how she felt. Honestly nervous and unsure of herself. And the worst part of it all was that she believed that she had gotten her shit together. She believed that things had moved into a happier place. That if they ever met again, nothing would unsettle her. Now, as Samantha approached the door leading into the room behind the interrogation room's glass, she took a generous sip of cold water and then proceeded to finally face her fears. Somewhat. Because there was a thick glass between them. A glass that provided no opportunity for the brunette to cast those mellow brown eyes upon her.

"...suppose you voluntarily gave yourself up then?" Andrew had seated himself comfortably across from...


For the first time in her life, after twenty eight goddamn years, Samantha realized the magnitude of torment that the heart could put someone through. The agony of feeling that amazing muscle with a mind of its own, beating away inside her chest as if it was running a sprint into the next era. As if the glass between them would shatter from the weight of her incredible admiration and depth of shame from their last meeting. She felt so terrible, knowing that there had been something hanging in the air between them, and something that needed to be said by her. And she hadn't responded in the right way.

"I...was assaulted by your department," Adriana was explaining in a hoarse voice that wounded the blonde's heart. The pain in those brown eyes displayed so much difficulty in prolonging her composure. "I was literally dragged into that stinking patrol car and then handcuffed. I was not read my rights."

She appeared very sophisticated in a long sleeved red shirt made of the finest looking satin, buttoned down the front with a collared neckline. On each cuff, a brass button glinted from the fluorescent light above where she was seated. Evidently there was a pair of black tailored pants to perfect the outfit further. There were bags under her eyes. Her stare onto Andrew was strained, almost as if she was trying so hard to focus on the situation at hand. Fatigued, maybe. But also pissed off from the looks of it, as Jones almost had his head bitten off from proceeding with more questions about her whereabouts.

"I remained right here in New York, in a safe place since you bastards stormed my mansion in Long Island. For goodness sakes, is it a supposed weakness with you cops that you must break something whilst rummaging around in someone's private home?" She glared at him with her fists clenched upon the table. The silver handcuffs appeared terribly out of place on those beautiful wrists.

"Compensation, of course for whatever was broken must have a thorough investigation conducted before..."

"Fuck your investigation!" Adriana slammed her fists onto the table. The Queen Elizabeth coffee cup jumped up in fright. "Where is Miss Swan? Is she here?" Brown eyes all at once, settled on the glass and even though it was highly impossible for the brunette to pinpoint Samantha's location, she just so happened to lock a stare onto green orbs.

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