Chapter 1.0 Introducing me.

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Let me tell you a story, my story to be exact. In my opinion, this is something that needs to be told, because it will allow you to prevent the mistakes that I made from happening again.

You can read how I dealt with my problems and how that effected the rest of my life.

If you can do it better than me, than that will make your life a Hell of a lot easier, trust me.

From my perspective this won't be a depressive story. It has it's down points and I admit it might seem like that some times, but I always get back up.

I think....

In my defence, those things did and what happened to me made me into the woman I am today, so they aren't all just useless,sad, depressing, spirit breaking and life threatening moments. They hold a purpose in the end.

It won't be another highschool drama series. Where I would stress about my love life, social status, my grades and if I look good or not.

Wait that is me.....

But I am, of course, at a whole other level.

I hope....

I'll stop talking now, enjoy the story of my messed up life.

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