"It's so nice to see you again!" Emma quipped once we were confined within the walls of the ladies room. "I'm glad you guys are hanging out." she added, meaning Oli and I. I wasn't sure what she meant exactly, but it didn't really matter because I was happy about it too. When we emerged from the bathroom, Oli was standing with Jordan and Micky - as well as Lee who I'd met the at the pub, and 2 other guys that I didn't know. Again, they all went quiet when they realized we were coming back. There was definitely something going on that I wasn't in on. I guess they were probably talking about me, or girls in general.

"Joy, this is Matt - he's the other band guy you haven't met yet, and this is Josh - he's the Birthday boy." Oli said introducing the new additions to the group.
"It's nice to meet you both." I responded, making sure to make eye contact with both of them.

The party was actually fun, despite the fact that I didn't really know anyone apart from Oli at the start of the night. A few hours in and I was sitting with Emma, Dani and Nat; the girlfriends of the guys. They informed me that Oli and Micky were the only single ones in the band. They also randomly – or maybe purposely - told me how unlucky in love Oli was. I guess they didn't know what had happened after the Green Day concert... that he'd driven me home, and that he'd told me about being cheated on before. I had remembered Oli saying that he should have broken up with his latest girlfriend sooner, and I thought even though it wasn't really my business, that it was the perfect opportunity to ask what had happened.
"So, I don't know if I'm allowed to ask, but, what happened with Oli and his girlfriend?" I asked. As soon as I brought it up, they all groaned, looked away or rolled their eyes. "He told me that he broke up with her..." I added.
"Amanda..." Dani said. "She was an absolute piece of work." she said, taking a sip of her cocktail. "He finally broke up with her a couple of months ago."
"It was actually the day after Reading festival." Emma explained to Dani.
"Well I'm glad he did..." she said. "She treated him like shit. I swear she was only ever there to try and grow her own following and to be seen." Dani continued. The others nodded.
"She's been posting shit about him and harassing him online since they broke up." Emma said shaking her head in disgust.
"That's horrible!" I said, feeling really bad for him. It suddenly dawned on me that maybe that's why he'd not really kept in touch, or posted on instagram. And I remembered the other day in Hyde Park where he said he had a lot going on that he didn't want to bore me with. Maybe this was what he was referring to.
"He's such a nice guy once you know him too." Emma said. "He just seems to attract the wrong girls." she added. God, did I know that feeling all too well. 

Oli's brother Tom arrived at the table with a camera around his neck and interrupted the conversation, asking if he could borrow me for a minute. To be honest, I was kind of glad as the conversation - while informative - was sad and was hitting a little too close to home, and I really didn't want to be thinking about this stuff at a party. I scanned the room and found Oli laughing with his friends, so at least that made me feel better.

"I was thinking if you wanted a couple of shots for your portfolio, this is a pretty great backdrop!" he said excitedly as we walked toward the empty bar. I could see his point, with the polished wood bar, warm lighting and leather upholstered stools looking rather expensive. Tom now had his camera in hand, and I figured I didn't really have much of a choice. I sat on the stool and crossed my legs, making sure to avoid any unfortunate wardrobe malfunctions. I noticed a few people watching, and I started laughing. It felt weird that this was happening at someone's party, and I could only imagine what everyone else was thinking. Tom started laughing and told me to keep a straight face but I couldn't. I tried to contain my smile, and I think he might have gotten a couple between laughter, but as more and more people tried to see what we were doing, I just couldn't pose seriously. He came up to the bar and scrolled back through some of the photos. I laughed loudly at some of them, they were terrible but they were still cool. He did manage to get 1 where I almost looked angry for a split second, so I told him it was a job well done. Oli appeared out of nowhere as we were winding down our laughter and asked what we were doing. Tom handed him the camera and Oli started laughing as he went through. I had never seen him smile like that, and it made me completely forget about the conversation I'd had with the girls just 10 minutes ago.
"This one is my favourite." he said, handing me the camera with a laugh. It was the one where I almost looked like I was about to fall off the stool since I was laughing so much. 

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