The Party

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A few days passed and Oli had liked a couple of my posts on instagram, which was more 'keeping in touch' than he'd ever done previously, but he hadn't been in contact about the coffee we were still meant to be having. While he posted a lot on instagram, he'd only posted one photo since the flower which was of clouds in the sky, with the caption 'daydreaming'. It was nice that we were staying in touch, even if it was only by means of liking each others photos. 

Out of the blue one day, I received a private message from him inviting me to a party. It was kind of weird as we weren't really chatting, but I decided to go. I'd had enough movie nights on my own and so many long phone conversations with Behati that I was happy to get out and talk to other people. I wasn't sure what kind of party it was, other than that it was at a popular bar near Covent Garden. It had been so long since I'd dressed up and gone out, so I was pretty excited.

I didn't want to go too crazy so I decided to dress somewhere between smart casual and bar/club sexy – a leather jacket, over an almost-offensively-short black lace dress. In my defense, it had long arms and a high neck, so at least I was keeping the top half well covered. My legs had always been, in my opinion, one of my best assets, so I decided to leave them bare with some black stilettos to finish the outfit. I pinned my hair back and threw on some makeup and spritzed on some perfume. Addict by Dior seemed appropriate for the black lace. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I wondered if I was overdressed... did I dress too sexy? I didn't know if part of me wanted to impress Oli, or whether I really did just feel like getting dressed up, but after weeks of living in lounge wear and gym gear, I felt good as I stepped out the door with my hair styled, my eyes perfectly smokey and a sparkly, lacey dress on. It was actually the first time I'd really dressed up since I'd been with John.

The tube ride over wasn't too bad being that it was a Friday night and there were a lot of people headed out for a night on the town, though a couple of guys did try and hit on me which was definitely unwanted. 

When I arrived at the address, Oli was out the front with a couple of people smoking, though he wasn't smoking himself. I truly think it was just a coincidence that he was out there as I arrived, but it was certainly going to make my entrance into a room full of people I didn't know a lot less awkward. I was still quite a way away when I noticed one of Oli's friends was staring over his shoulder at me as I approached and looked me up and down less than discreetly. I guess the others noticed his gaze toward me as they both turned around.
"Hey" I eventually said, feeling as though I was awkwardly interrupting whatever they were talking about.
"Hello." Oli said smilling. The others said hello and put their cigarettes out, saying they would see us upstairs, and then disappeared inside. I could see that Oli was trying to not look me up and down.
"You scrub up alright Mr Sykes," I said stepping back and looking him up and down in a button up shirt and black pants. He laughed.
"Me?" he quipped. "What about you?! Holy shit." he said. I realised he had never seen me outside of casual clothing. He tried not to be too obvious but he was staring, and I wont lie, it felt good.
"How are you?" I asked, now stepping in for a quick hello hug. I think he'd already been drinking because I could already smell the beer.
"I'm good." he said before saying we should go in and see everyone. He asked how I'd got there and he insisted that he would be driving me home because 'no girl should travel on the tube alone at night'. I said 'sure' but knew he would definitely not be in any state to drive by time I wanted to head home.

We went inside where the party was happening; an open dance floor downstairs and an upstairs area where the bar was serving drinks. The first familiar face I saw was Emma; Jordan's girlfriend who had been at the Green Day concert and had initiated conversation with me. I hoped they wouldn't all think I was an asshole for running off and not properly saying goodbye, but my fears were put to sleep as she waved to me with a smile.
"I'll go get us some drinks." Oli said, touching my back then heading away toward the bar. "Joy!" Emma said reaching out her free hand for a half-hug. "Wow, you look amazing!" she said looking me up and down.
"Thankyou," I said. "So do you!" I added. She definitely wasn't dressed up as much as I was, but she did look beautiful. Jordan was beside her and looked me up and down too. He smirked and took a long sip of his drink.
"What?" I said curiously.
"Nothing." he said grinning  before Emma hit him on the arm. I had clearly missed something. "You just look nice." he said with a smile.
"Joy?" I heard from behind. 
"Oh hey Micky." I said, as he arrived beside me.
"Jesus, you look amazing." he said without any type of filter. The compliment was nice, but in a way it was a little awkward.
"Has Oli seen you yet?" he asked, taking a sip from his beer. Before I could respond, Jordan shot him a 'wtf' type look.
"Yeah, I ran into him outside, he's gone to get drinks." I replied. It got really quiet, even though I wasn't really sure why and I wasn't sure what was going on.
"Joy, let's go to the ladies room." Emma suggested, finally ending the awkward silence. I gladly obliged.

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