To Leave Or Not To Leave

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Jason's pov

I stare at the plaque Kim insisted on hanging up. It was some kind of Medal of Honor thing because I saved Max and Adeline from dying too. "I don't feel like no hero." I say as Kim walks in the room. "You are Jason. There's no way Adeline and Max would still be alive. They would have found them in the shed before the police showed up. Or worse, set it on fire too." That sends chills down my back. "Baby stop. Don't say stuff like that." "You saved her. You are and will always be mine and our daughter's hero." I fight back the tears and hug her. "I love you so much, Kim. It's.. I just don't know... What I would do without you and Addy. Y'all are my reason for living." She smiles, worry in her beautiful brown eyes. "And our amazing little baby growing." She says, grabbing my hand and putting it against her stomach. I smile. "I  can't wait for him or her to get here." There's a knock on the door. "Max and his mom is here." Adeline says, sounding confused. We walk out there. I wave. "This might sound harsh." She starts, a hand on Max's shoulder. He's looking at the ground. "But I don't want... I don't want Max hanging around Adeline. I don't know if anything else might happen. And I don't want to take the chance of losing him too. I couldn't bear it." Adeline looks shocked. So does Kim. But I completely understand. "I just.... From the bottom of my heart... I... I'm so sorry." "This is not your fault. You have nothing to apologize for." Kim gasps, walking in front of me. I sigh. "Honey, yes I do. I came back and they  came after me. They went through Adeline and those other kids to hurt me. It is my fault." "No Jason. Those people were sick twisted fucks! If it wasn't you, they'd have targeted someone else." I just can't handle this. "I understand why you are keeping the kids apart. It's safer." I shakily say, trying not to cry. She waved goodbye and they left. Adeline closed the door and it was quiet. Heck. It'd be safer if I never came back. At least until I was sure they were all gone. "I see that look in your eyes." Kim says, resting her hands on my cheeks. "What look?" I ask. "You're not thinking of leaving, are you?" I hear Addy gasp in shock. "D-Daddy! You can't!" She shouts. "Of course I'm not leaving honey. Even if it'd be safer. I just.... I don't think I can bear it." I say, wrapping my hands gently around her wrists. "I love you so much, Kimmy. I'd be nothing without you." She has tears in her eyes. "Actually.... Y-You wouldn't even b-be mixed up in this mess if... If y-you didn't meet me... Because you w-wouldn't have met-" I put a finger to her lips. "Baby, I would rather die than live in a world where I had never met you or our amazing daughter. I say our because that scumbag has no right to be called her father. I will always ALWAYS be here for you and Addy and this sweet amazing angel we'll have soon." I wipe the tears from her eyes and kiss her passionately. I can't live in a world without them. No fucking way.

It's a small worldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon