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Kim's pov

I get a text from Jason.

J: do you have a bathing suit?

K: no

J: are you a bikini kinda girl or one piece?

K: either one.

I wonder why he's asking this. A few minutes later, Adeline is allowed to be released from the hospital. Jason's in the parking lot to pick us up. "Why were you asking about a bathing suit?" I ask. "Oh there's a little watering hole I know about and my friend Brad is throwing a party. It'll be fun." He says, pulling out. I turn around. "Hey Addy, ya wanna go swimming with Mr. Jason and his friends?" I ask. "Yeah!" She gasps. I laugh. "I think there's your answer." I say. We drive out to the watering hole.

Jason's pov

I smile. There's still a rope burn on that old branch that hangs over the river and I still got the scar from swinging out a little too far. Kim watches Adeline as she swims. And man does she look good in that bikini. Definitely glad I got a two piece. "New girl?" Luke asks. I nod. "What happened to Bethany?" "I don't even want to go into that." I say quickly. Brad walks over handing me a beer. "I can't. I've got to drive." "Oh yeah. Forgot." "Hey, I forgot to tell you! This independent record label called me asking if I knew of anyone in the music business...." Luke says, nudging my arm with his elbow. "Dude, you've got a meeting with broken bow records. They're gonna sign you!" "Oh man! Really?! Luke this is so awesome! I've got a record deal!" I gasp, pumping a fist in the air. "I know they're gonna love you. You're one of the best singers I know." Luke says. "Ug! Hurtful!" Brad jokes, making us all laugh. I walk over to Kim and tell her about the record deal. "Finally, it's about time someone recognized real talent." She says, smiling. "Oh who's who?" "I forgot to introduce you didn't I? Well, that's Luke, the most level headed of us all. Brad, the comedian/singer. Blake, the hick who sounds country without even trying. Justin, the countriest dude in the business. And Brantley, bad to the bone biker dude who kicks it in the sticks." I point them all out. "Best bros in the business." Blake finishes the grill and brings the hot dogs and hamburgers to the table. "Addy, Lunch!" She calls. "Coming mom! I'll see you later." She says waving. Who was she talking to? She runs over and I just stop thinking about it while we eat hot dogs and chips and junk.


I'm driving them home. Adeline is asleep. "Hey honey, earlier when she was playing, she was talking to herself. What was up with that?" "Oh, she's got imaginary friends." She says. Oh. I drop her off and head home. A six year old who still has imaginary friends? I haven't seen that in a while. I've never seen a kid with imaginary friends at all.

*the next day*

I go meet with Broken Bow records. The secretary has a clipboard and stands by the door. "Name?" "Jason Aldean." "Genre?" "Country music." The door opens and a girl walks out crying. Oh she must not have been accepted. Poor girl. "I'll try American Idol! The world will know the name Carrie Underwood!" She shouts. I grip my guitar tighter and walk in. "Hello Mr. Aldean. Luke says you're very talented." "I guess so." "Well, let's see what ya got." He says. I smile and play my guitar to the tune of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire. A few minutes later, I'm signed to Broken Bow! I finally have a record deal! I want to celebrate with Kim so I call her. "I got the deal baby!" "I knew you would. I can't wait for you to start selling out stadiums." "Isn't that a dream." We meet up at Red Lobster. Adeline runs over and hugs my leg. "I missed you Mr. Jason!" She cries. I pick her up. "I missed you too, sweetheart." The waitress brings over a booster seat. "Oh aren't you a cutie, your daddy must be so proud." She says. "Oh I'm not-" "Yeah, he is!" She says, hugging my neck. Kim just shrugs, not sure what to say. I'm just gonna pretend it never happened. I set her down in the booster seat. "To a bright future!" Kim says, lifting her drink. I smile and hold her hand. Ben stumbles in partially drunk. "It's my visiting hours." He slurrs. "Well, sober up then we'll talk." She replies. I'm so tempted to turn around and punch him but I'm holding back only for Adeline. "You can't keep her from me!" He shouts. "Yes! I can! She won't be safe going with you!" She hollers. He grabs her hair. This time I do stand up. "You get your damn hands off her!" "Or what!? You'll sing me to sleep with a lullaby?" He taunts. "Oh, I'll put you to sleep but it won't be a lullaby!" I growl, punching him in the face. "Good night asshole." I gripe. I help Kim up. He swings his fist at me and I swing at him. "You touch my girlfriend again, I'll make sure you never see that girl again!" I shove him against the wall, my arm against his throat. "You hear me, buster?" He gags and I let him go. "Don't touch Kim again!" I walk back over. "Let's get outta here." She says. I nod and pay the tab. "You split your knuckles!" She gasps, pointing. "Oh it's nothin' sweetheart." I say, ruffling her hair. She giggles and kisses my cheek. "My hero." "Oh baby, I'm no hero." "Yes you are. Hey drop Adeline off with my mom. I think we need to have our own little celebration." She whispers in my ear. My eyes go wide. "Wow! A record deal and moving to the next level, this day just keeps getting better and better."

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