Friends in low places

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Jason's pov

Everyone is quiet. Luke walks over as I step off the porch. "Dude, is it really you?" He asks. I nod. "It's really me." He hugs me, completely catching me off guard. "I thought you were dead!" Then they all cheer. I didn't expect any of it. "Jason, it's so great to see you again." Brad says, holding Carrie's hand. "Yeah, I just had to disappear for a while." "No shit! You disappeared for five years. No one knew what happened to you!" Luke gapes. "No one but the guys hunting me." I mumble, closing my eyes. "It doesn't matter. My best friend is back!" Luke says, hugging me again. Addy hugs me too and then everyone joins in for a group hug. I pick Addy up and put her on the table. "Let's dance." Kim turns on some music and we all dance.


Brad walks over as I'm sitting down. "Oh please man, don't hug me again." I mutter. He laughs. "No, I just never got to say thanks. You brought me to my wife." He says, catching me off guard. "What do you mean?" "Carrie. After you told me about her liking me, I talked to her, we went out and now we're married." Whoa! "Who was the best man?" I ask. "We didn't have one." I look up at him surprised. "You didn't have a best man at your wedding?" He shakes his head. "Why not!?" "He wasn't here." Me. Why didn't they just pick someone else? I'm about to say that when Kim shushes me. Attention focuses on my little girl. She has a mic. "What's going on baby girl?" I ask, struggling to get up. Kim helps me. "Who's your daddy? Who's your baby? And who's the one guy that you go running to when your whole life starts crumbling? My daddy is home and he's the one guy I go running to when my whole life starts crumbling. He's the brick by brick that built this house. Without him it'll all fall down. It almost did too but he came in just the nick of time to hold it up. A dad is not who helped create you. A daddy is the one who holds you when you cry, makes you laugh when you're scared, who gives ya a piggy back when he can. That's my dad. He will kick anyone's butt who messes with me or mama. He's my daddy and I'm his angel. And I wouldn't want it any other way." She says, dropping the mic. I can't help it but I'm crying. She hugs me. "You'll always be my little angel." "And you'll always be my daddy." "Ya ain't mad that I was gone five years?" I ask, bending down to her eye level. "5 years goes by faster than ya think." She says, hugging my neck. I just realized I'm not gonna be able to get back up with a good conscience without doing this. "Go get your mama." I say. "Ya need help getting up?" She asks. "In a second I will." She runs to get Kim as I fumble for the 5 year old ring in my pocket. "Jason are you okay?" Kim cries, falling to her knees beside me. I make sure to see if everyone is watching which they are. "I'm fine. Kimberly Ann Preston will you fix this ol broken cowboy by becoming my wife?" "Oh my gosh! Yes! Jason, I love you so much!" She cries, hugging me. I lose my balance and Adeline hugs me too. "I am gonna need help getting back up though." I mumble. They laugh and all my friends cheer on the engagement. She holds her hand out to me and I gladly accept thus getting back on my feet. Someone plays George Strait's check yes or no. I hold her hands. "Kimmy, I am so glad to have you in my life." "And I'm so glad you're in mine." She says, lacing our fingers together. I kiss her with all my might. I may be broken but I've got her and Addy to fix me.

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