A Saving Grace

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Jason's pov

I open my eyes when I heard Kim moving around. I pull her to me and pull the blanket back over her. I wish I could make up for lost time. I'd do anything to not have lost them for those five years. "Anything." I whisper, drifting off.

*the next day*

When I wake up Adeline is eating a bowl of cereal. Kim was still asleep. I force a tired smile. "You doing okay dad?" I nod and get a piece of bread and put it in the toaster. "Doing a lot better. Um Addy what would you think about your mom and me havin' a baby?" Her eyes go wide. "Really? You are?!" She cries, standing up. "Well we talked about it last night. And we both want to." "Oh this is so cool." My toast pops up. I sit down at the table, she sits back down. "I'm gonna have a little sister or brother." I smile and ruffle Addy's hair. "You sure are kiddo."


Adeline went to Carl's house and Kim walks out of the bedroom and sits beside me on the couch. "If we have a boy, I wanna name him Pearson." She whispers, resting a hand on my arm. I laugh slightly. "Shouldn't we worry about getting pregnant before we worry about names?" She smiles. "You're right. We should." I think I know where this is going! She pulls the remote from my hand and turns the TV off. She sits on my lap and kisses me. My hands are shaking as they slip around her waist.


We moved it to the bedroom cause let's face it. That couch isn't comfortable enough. "I still got it, huh baby?" "That you do, dear, that you do." I stare at the ceiling, getting lost in thought. "Ya know darlin', I wish so badly every minute of every day I could go back and give you those five years back. And not look like this. Be normal like I was before." "You are normal. You're my normal. And just having you here, sitting right beside me is all that I'll ever want. Jason you're my soulmate and nothing will ever change that." "I don't know how you do it." I gasp, staring at her now shocked. "I'll always love you." She says, snuggling closer to me. "I will always love you, Kimberly Ann Aldean." I whisper, kissing her passionately.


I grilled out and invited my friends. "Hey Jason, ya know how to grill catfish?" Tyler Hubbard asks. I laugh. "Man, bring it. I can grill anything." I slap the filets on the grill. This is what I missed so much! Addy and Carl were dancing to she's country. Kimmy and Caroline were chatting away. Tate runs by being chased by Eric's son, Boone. They're both five. Soon hopefully we'll have a little one too. It's weird to think about. "You alright?" Luke puts a hand on my shoulder, making me jump. "Yeah I'm good." "Good. I was afraid you were having a flashback or something." I force a smile. "Nah trust me Luke. You'll know when I'm having a flashback. I was just thinkin' about how pretty soon we'll have a little one too." I say, crossing my arms. He glances at the girls. "Wait.... Is Kim pregnant?" I smile at her. "We're trying. She's not pregnant yet but we're trying." He smiles and shakes my hand. "Congratulations." "Thanks bro. And my son or daughter is gonna need a godfather." He smiles and nods. "And his or her good ol uncle Luke!" I smile. Just like Addy. "Watch the grill I'll be right back." I walk inside to get the marinated steaks out of the fridge. I close the fridge and feel a hand on my shoulder. "Kimmy, you sneakin' up on me, princess?" A deep laugh is all I hear and I know in a heartbeat, it's not Kim. I spin around already breathing heavily. He throws a knife in my face. I duck and he shoved me down. "No! You're dead!" I yell, shakily crawling away. I shut my eyes tight. "I have to wake up! I have to snap out of it! Please, wake up!" I yell, opening my eyes again. I dodge another attack. Dammit!!

Luke's pov

I hear screaming. I run inside to see Jason on the floor. This must be a flashback he was talking about. "Luke?! Get out of the way!" He cries, panicked. I shake my head. "Calm down man, it ain't real!" I gasp. "I know but he won't..... Go away!" He chokes out, shutting his eyes tight and sweat dripping down his face. I know!! I'll get Kim!

Kim's pov

I hear Luke shout my name. I walk over. "Jason's in the kitchen having a flashback and I can't figure out how to snap him out of it!" My eyes go wide and I take off running for the house. He's backed up in a corner of the room. He flinches once or twice then I call his name. "Kimmy? Baby?" "I'm right here, Jay. It's okay." I gasp, running over. "I can't get it to stop." He gasps, staring at me fearfully. "It'll be okay, Jason. I promise." I say, kissing him. A few seconds later, his body relaxes. He leans against the wall as we make out. "Is it better?" I ask, holding his hand. "Y-Yeah." He shakily dusts himself off. I grab the steaks and his hat. I dust it off and put it on his head. He smiles. "Now let's get out there." I say. He takes the steaks and puts them on the grill. "You my angel are my saving grace." He says, kissing me. "I'll always be your girl." I whisper, deepening the kiss as he wraps his arms around my waist.

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