Decision Made

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As I watched Lena hesitate regarding the question asked, I couldn't help but be a little scared at her answer, maybe still feeling a little guilty regarding Lydia. So Lena, so you don't want to see where this could go, I asked. It's not that Stef, I'm just afraid that if it doesn't work, what would happen to the friendship we've built over the years, she asked. I don't think that's an issue Lena, I want to be with you, not just as a friend, I want to kiss you baby, make love to you, wake up with you every morning and go to bed with you every night, I said. I want that too Stef, I do, she said. You sure this doesn't have anything to do with Lydia, I asked. No I thought about that and you were right Lydia would want me to be happy and go on with my life, that's the kind of person she was, if you could believe this, she brought you up in one of the conversations we had, she said. About what, I asked. That if you and I weren't such good friends, that you would be good for me, she said. Really, why didn't you tell me, I asked. I don't know, I guess because I didn't remember that conversation until tonight, she said. So it wasn't just me that thought we would be a great fit huh, I said. I guess not, she said smiling. Lena what's the whole point of life if you don't take a chance sweetie, I asked. I know Stef, she said. Tell you what, I have an idea that would break the ice, I said. What's that, she asked. Why don't we kiss, I said. Bowing her head down shyly, failing to look me in the eyes, I placed my hand underneath her chin to lift her head back up. What's wrong, I asked. What if you don't like the way I kiss, she said shyly. Taking a chance remember, I said. Yes I remember, she said.


As I looked into Stef's beautiful hazel eyes, I always wondered what her mouth would feel like on my own. As she hadn't let go of my chin, she pulled me in, still not taking our eyes off each others, as my eyes closed waiting for that moment. Feeling her lips on mine felt like I thought it would, like heaven, as she glided her tongue across the bottom of my lip, as I opened my mouth welcoming her tongue inside, first gentle caresses of her tongue against mine and then hungrily we started to kiss passionately as if we couldn't get enough of each other, moaning into each others mouths. Throughout  the living room all you could hear is the moaning of us both wanting more, as we pulled apart trying to catch our breath. That was, she started. What, was it okay, I asked. It was more than okay Lena, it was amazing, she said. Yeah, I asked, smiling. Lena I had know doubts, she said smiling herself. You were amazing too Stef, I said. So what say we start all over, she said. What, I asked. The date, I will pick you up on Saturday and we will act like it's our first date, what do you say, she asked. I would love that, I said. Good, I love you Lena, she said. I love you Stef, I said smiling, as she kissed my mouth before standing to her feet. So you're leaving, I asked. Yes I think I should because if we continue to kiss, I am definitely afraid what it could lead to, she said. Would that be a bad thing, I smirked. No but I would at least like to take you out first, she said. Okay, sorry about the coffee we didn't get a chance to have, I said. I'm not, she said as she leaned over kissing me gently, as I stood to my feet to walk her to the door. So Saturday I will pick you up for our date, she said. Okay, good thing we both know it's a date right, I said. Right no confusions, she said. Good night Lena, she said. Good night Stef, I said before kissing me again before walking out the door.


As I sat on the couch drinking a cup of coffee, wondering what Lydia would think, but realizing I didn't have to wonder anymore, Lydia would definitely approve. While deep in thought my phone rings. Hello, I said. Hello, just wanted to check that tonight wasn't a dream, Stef said on the other end. Well if it was, we both had the same dream, I said laughing. Lena you don't have anymore doubts do you, she asked. None Stef, I now know that Lydia would approve, I said. Good, you have a good night baby, she said. You too Stef, I said before hanging up. 

The End

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