12 - club

610 7 3

September 8, 2018
8:50 am

I wake up with Ruel beside me, still asleep, softly snoring. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I smile down at him, and remember everything that happened last night. I smile even more. I remember his lips against mine and how amazing it felt. He truly does mean the world to me.

About 30 minutes later, I hear Ruel come into the living room. "Hey." he says, his voice groggy. "Yo." I reply back. "Did you make breakfast?" he asks looking impatient. "Um no, sorry. We can just Postmate something." I tell him reassuringly. "Damn it. The one time I let you wake you up before me, you don't even make breakfast." Ruel complained sarcastically. He sits himself down beside me on the couch.

"My mate, Luke, invited me to go to a party thing tonight at this cool club a few blocks down the street. He said I can bring you. Wanna come?"
"Sure." I reply back smiling. The doorbell rings. I get up and plant a soft kiss on Ruel's cheek and open the door, finding Postmates. "Food's here!" I shout, as Ruel gets up and runs to sit at the table. I join him and we watch Criminal Minds on his laptop.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
September 8, 2018
7:30 pm

As I'm getting ready for the party, I hear someone enter the apartment. I hear Ruel conversing with, I'm assuming, Luke. I finish curling my hair and walk out of the bathroom and I find both of them sitting at the kitchen table.
"Oh hi. Emma this is Luke, Luke this is Emma." Ruel quickly introduces us. Luke was very attractive. He was just as tall as Ruel, but had a stronger build. He had darker hair, parted to the side, with green eyes, the color of emeralds. He smiles at me, revealing perfectly straight, white teeth. I smile back admiring his eyes. I looked back at Ruel and he looked uncomfortable. I gave him a reassuring smile, and we left.

We walk inside the club, and hang up our jackets. Luke kind of goes off on his own, whilst me and Ruel stay together. We met a few of his other mates, and they seemed pretty cool I guess. It was kind of awkward for me because I didn't know anyone, but Ruel was trying to make me feel
comfortable, which I appreciate. "I'm going to go use the restroom, I'll be right back," Ruel tells me, and I nod. I go sit on an empty couch in the lounge area of the club. I'm scrolling through Instagram when I hear a shockingly familiar voice. "Hey, hey, hey. Look who we have here!" I look up from my phone and that's when I see Zach. The one person I never want to see again. "Zach? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him, causing him to smirk. "You didn't listen to my order. You didn't pick me up from the airport. You owe me." he sits down beside me and stretches his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. I try to pull away, but he's much stronger then I am. "Zach stop. You know I do-" he cuts me off. "Shh baby be quiet. You know you want me." He replys, pulling me even closer to him. I feel his fingers lightly brushing the trim of my underwear. His other hand aggressively makes itself up my shirt, and a quiet, unwanted, moan escapes my lips. I try to push him away even harder, but his weight is pinning me down. I start to panic, as tears fall down my cheeks. He pulls me up off the bench, and pins me against the wall. I start to cry even harder, trying to scream for help. All of a sudden, Zach's weight against me is gone, as I wipe away my tears, trying to see what just happened. Zach is on the floor with Luke standing over him. Luke's knuckles were bright red, revealing that he had punched Zach. I hug Luke, thanking him as many times as I possibly can. We stay in a steady hug for about 3 minutes, before Luke pulls away. He grabs my face in his hands, as his lips meet mine. Without thinking, I kiss him back.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a/n this story has turned to complete shitttttt. this chapter is a mess. i'm sorry 🥺

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