today 9:40

> i decided what i want to do
> meet me right now

no <

Chan rolled his eyes. He was literally just waking up, it was nine in the morning and this guy wants to meet.

> that wasn't a question
> it was a demand

who tf do you think you are <

> i don't know if you can tell but i'm mad at you

and ? <

> you almost killed me
> and you don't even care

Chan sighed. Why couldn't this guy be like Jeongin, just shut up and forget about it. He didn't even get hit, Jeongin did and he didn't even complain about it once. More reasons why he loves him.

> so come meet me now

i'm not leaving my house sorry <

> fine, i'll come to you

are you for real <

> 100%
> give me your address

Chan rolled his eyes for the second time and just gave it.

After this, he'll never bother him again.

When Woojin rang the door bell Jeongin was still sleeping.

He invited himself in and sat down on the couch.

"Well I can tell you're loaded." Woojin said as his eyes roamed around the house.

"What do you want?" Chan sighed then sat down on the armchair.

"I've decided not to fine you, so I'll just take the money instead." Woojin said.

"Great, how much?"


"Not a problem." Chan fake smiled.

They continued to talk, and Woojin kept saying things like "why were you speeding?" and "the light was red" but it wasn't in an angry tone. More concerned than anything.

Jeongin, in the mean time was on the stairs listening to this conversation and didn't like it one bit.

Jeongin has watched enough romance dramas to tell that Woojin was being a complete tsundere right now.

Listening to the way he talked and used his body language, Jeongin caught it all.

He finally decided he's had enough and walked down the stairs to the living room.

"Morning Channie hyung." He mumbled as if he just woke up even though he's been awake for the past ten minutes listening to their conversation.

"Oh, Innie, you're awake." Chan said and his face softened at the image of sleepy Jeongin.

"Hmm." Jeongin mumbled then walked to the couch and sat right on the older's lap.

He doesn't usually sit on Chan's lap, but right now, he really wanted to.

"J-Jeongin?!" Woojin said in shock.

"Oh, hi Woojin hyung." Jeongin smiled at him, as if he only realized his presence now.

"Why are you here?" Woojin asked, still in shock.

"I live here." Jeongin said with a passive aggressive smile that went un-noticed by the older.

"Why aren't you at school?!" Woojin asked.

"Channie hyung said I could stay home today." He replied.

"I'm hungry." Jeongin mumbled.

"Okay, I'll make you something." Chan said. "I'll online transfer you the money." He said turning to Woojin.

Woojin took the hint that what he said meant it was time for him to leave so he began walking to the door.

"Alright." He said. "Bye Jeongin, bye Chan." He said and left.

Chan went to the kitchen and began making food for the both of them.

Jeongin sat on the barstool at the counter like he always does when he watches Chan cook.

"I like sitting there..." Jeongin mumbled.

"Sitting where?" Chan asked.

"On your lap." Jeongin said. "I'm going to do it more often now, okay?" He blushed.

Chan laughed and found Jeongin's embarrassed state adorable. "Alright."


im in such a mood to write rn idk why

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