Number 1

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"OMG my hands are so sweaty with Nerves why do i have to go to a new school". "Ivy are you ready we are leaving soon " says my dad, my dad is a stay at home dad he doesn't have to go to work, we won the lottery, 2 million! so thats why we moved houses, thats why I'm am going to a new school, thats why I hate my life! also just to top that all that off my mum and dad broke up a few weeks ago.

When we arrived at school...

wow there is so many cute guys what am I doing i am in freaking year 11 i mean HOT! boys here. as i walk up the corridor i hear guys whistle so i guess i must be cute. as i get to my locker a couple of girls come up to me and introduce themselves " hey girlfriend I'm Abby and this is Jane" i say hey " so do you want to hang out at lunch " says Jane "sure" i say. "So when's your next class " says Abby "I dunno" i say "do you know where 3A is" i say "sure thats where we are heading come with us" says both of them at the same time. As i follow them i see a guy he is wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans i ask the girls who is that and they say it is "Alex Dunn" They say " wow he is pretty hot " they nod their heads in agreement as we walk to Indonesia.

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