The whole room was pooped. Beers and bottles and pizza and tequila. Well, someone had a great time last night and didn’t care of even bringing the house back to normal. Probably, it was my job.

Oh wait, before I forget. I should text Welmen that his Dad wasn’t around. Or so, he could save my number. Or he could text me back.


Write message

Hey Welmen. It’s Summer :)

Just wanted to tell you that your Dad’s not around.

And the whole apartment is f**ked up and I had to do something about it.

Anyways, take care. Hope to see you again. :)

Send (Message Sent!)


That was a rather long message. I don’t usually text that long except for like saying, “see you later”. I even don’t usually say see you later. I’m kinda a silent person. Barely talk to anybody.


1 message received

Who’s Welmen? Sorry dude. Wrong number.


I don’t understand. Wait! I thought this was… Oh my god! That kid! Uggh! This is really embarrassing.

Erase! Erase! Erase! This shouldn’t be happening.


1 message received

Summer Rosh, isn’t it?


Now this is just… *gulp* …really f**ked up.



Sorry dude. Wrong number.

Send (Message Sent!)


Oh my god! I never knew someone was stalking me. This is really freaking me out. I really have to do the chores now. Or maybe, it’s Welmen. He’s just messing with me.


1 message received

I saw you this morning while I was reading my book.


He is totally Welmen.



Dude! Stop messing with me.

It’s really not funny.

I know it’s you Welmen.

Cut it out!

Send (Message Sent!)


1 message received

I was sitting on a bench and saw you this morning.

It was just kinda sad that you had to hurry.

I never got the chance to know you.


Oh…my…god! It was that guy! How did…emm…how?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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