Chapter 1

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And as a bridegroom is happy in his bride,

so your God is happy with you.

Isaiah 62:5


Chapter 1

Today is the seventh month of the year. 10 months after my mom died of cancer while my dad, I never got a chance to meet him. My life is pretty, emm, lonely if I must say. I live in my Uncle Sonny’s apartment. He has his son, Welmen who I barely see in the house, or the apartment. I haven’t hung out with him since I first moved here in Pennsylvania.

Well, to tell you the truth, I’m just as lonely as hell right now. I don’t know what to do. I’m on my senior year in high school and I’m a transferee and I’m just gonna have to expect the unexpected.


No. Not the season but that’s my name. Summer Rosh. Emm, I’m not much of a story teller but well, yeah. Sorry. I don’t talk much really but I’m just gonna try and give it a go.

Anyways, today is the 4th of July. The first fireworks day that I haven’t been with my mom which is really depressing. I could just stare at the window of my room in this scrawny apartment that I’m in and just think about stuff. Stuff I don’t usually think on a daily basis. Well, stuff about life and what happens next when we die. When I die. Or should I die now? Life sucks. Sorry.

It was already 9:30 in the evening and well, I don’t know what to expect here in Philadelphia. I don’t know. I haven’t been in any other places outside Arizona besides here, where I am staying. It’s only been a week since I arrived at home sweet home they consider and I might probably get into a lot of adjustments for the next couple of weeks.

There was a party in my Uncle Sonny’s den. People packed the places and I was stuck in my room. Of course, they wanted me to socialize with other people but I rather not. I choose to be alone. I’m just not ready of the big roundabout socialization which could come pretty awkward.

Here I was. Reading the same book over and over again. Well, it wasn’t the “An Imperial Affliction” by Peter Van Houten. It was different. It was of my grandma’s favorite book. She wanted me to read that before she died when I was just 8 years old. For the record, I’m already 17 and I don’t know. Kinda cliché, isn’t it? Well, that’s the truth.

10 PM and well, the night was just getting warmer. I mean, it was the 4th of July. What do you expect?

I could see kids running around on the streets and thanksgiving parties and any other parties you could think of during that particular day. But no parties for me.

But there was only one party I stopped celebrating that day. It was my 18th and I’m a fully pledged lady. Oh yeah, I’m a girl so, sorry if you thought I was a guy next door.

Since my parents died, I never had the joy or maybe the idea of even celebrating anything. They were my life. I didn’t even have siblings to share my early years. I’m just stuck here waiting for an opportunity of getting a visiting hours pass to the afterlife, or heaven or what do you call it.

Emm, yeah. It’s pretty embarrassing talking about my god damned life after all of being healthy. I might have been healthy but the ones I loved have been pretty hell sick and just woke up in the morning and never woke up. If you know what I mean.

It was kind of a struggle for me fending for my life and well, the drama doesn’t end there. I’m on my senior year like I told you and it’s gonna be pretty damned boring. I never hated school but there’s no reason for me to love school anymore or even love anything.

11 PM and the countdown is minutes away. Wait, what is Independence Day? Because I might have not been free of my prolonged depression. Or is it just me?

I was just eating a bucket of vanilla ice-cream and some chocolates. Well, chocolate is the food of the brain, they say. And ice cream? Probably, ice cream if chocolate wasn’t invented. Sorry. I’m not a jester or a comedian.

11:30 and I still have another bucket of ice cream in the fridge. Well, the best gift that God, if there was really one has given to me was I never get fat even if I eat a lot. I don’t know if that’s a medical condition but so many girls find it really fascinating. You might probably, too. You know, if you’re a girl. Well, yeah. I understand.

I’m still reading my grandmas book and is my favorite book, “The Kingdom of Ambivalence” by Margarette Donce. It was published on 1912 just before the Titanic ship sank. Garette Donce was among those passengers who died which was really sad.

Anyways, I’ve read this book for like a hundred million times literally. Just disregard the maths and the seconds.


It was about a story of a prince who was in love by a villager. He has never seen such precious sight in his life making him fall in love at the first place. But the villager girl couldn’t trust the prince. She was too much off with herself. Telling him, she wasn’t worthy of him. Telling him she was too scrawny for a mighty prince.

The prince wanted the villager girl to stay in the kingdom but the king didn’t approve of their love because the villager was filthy and unworthy. He sent his army of soldiers to kill all the villagers but was stopped by the prince and was killed eventually. Thus, saving the whole village.

The whole village couldn’t thank the prince enough of his heroism. So they thought of killing also the villager girl in order for the prince to find peace with her in the afterlife. But after 3 days since the prince died and on that day when the villager girl was about to be sacrificed to the prince, the prince showed up alive and well.

The whole village was astonished and terrified. How could a dead man be alive and well, after 3 days?

The prince took the villager girl and spoke unto the villagers, “I have come to save you all eternally from the wicked king. Follow me and we shall reign the kingdom together forever.”

Half of the villagers followed the prince but half did not. They were in doubts that the prince was a fraud and he would put the risk upon the villagers, putting them in great danger and leading them to their fatal deaths.

They left the pack and have planned saving the other villagers but before they could do so, they were killed by the kingdom’s spies and have never been seen again.

The prince’s league was few but they were strong. Not on strength but on faith. They sang and danced as the kingdom’s soldiers were aiming their arrows and throwing their spears but before any weapon has reached the villagers’ domain, there was a big earthquake that crumpled the whole palace and the weapons (wood or metal) were turned into ashes.

The whole kingdom of Ambivalence was buried into the ground having a new kingdom where the prince will reign with his bride, the filthy and unworthy villager girl and they lived happily ever after.


How does that sound? Haha! Nah, if you’re thinking. I just read the back of the cover. It has its plot in it. Weird cover putting a spoiler alert on the back of it. I could’ve just read the plot instead of the whole book but trust me, when you read this book, you’re gonna be in a whole new level.

The Kingdom of Ambivalence. Take note of that.





Oh, the countdown is already starting. How lovely. (sarcasm)




Well, sorry to burst your buble but I’m sleeping. Good night.




Happy fourth of July! Woooh!

(fireworks burst) (firecrackers crack) (horns scream)

 I sleep!

The Bride and the TrumpetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora