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A/N poor dog i'm sorry if this one doesn't make any sense i'm just tired bye.

Lane's POV

For some reason I had trouble sleeping a little, sometimes i would wake up in the middle of the night because of nightmares, although edward comforted me whenever i felt scared. "It's okay" he whispered to me, i nodded in response, i ended up being awake all night, starting at 4 Am, He insisted i should force myself to sleep but i couldn't, so instead we talked all night....okay maybe not FULLY 'talk' but we made out for a couple hours which surprisingly i don't regret whatsoever. I laid my head on his chest while he stroked my hair, it was quiet. I looked at the ceiling, blinking absentmindedly. I really enjoyed his company, i just wish he'd propose an offer of actually dating him. Waiting is an okay game i guess.

Edward's POV

I enjoyed his company, a lot, i thought i'd never have enough confidence to do anything like THAT. well...sorta. There's just one thing...a boy and a boy? is that..normal? It doesn't matter..i'm in love with la- Chill edward, i LIKE lane, and it doesn't matter if it's weird or not. .. right? no. it doesn't matter. So instead i stayed there, reading his dreams..he was having nightmares..about his..family? He doesn't mention it much, only once..which was a rumor around school. That made him bite someone..yikes, they probably deserved it. Should i ask him about it..? no. I'll wait for him to tell me. Whenever he's ready, i could tell he was sad..just not this sad. I felt his pain..sorta, i just can't remember as well. The dream was repetitive, it wouldn't stop, it would change in the slightest ways but never anything big, he stopped having the dreams then he woke up, sorta crying, i asked him what was wrong he responded with nothing, i knew obviously that was a lie, so i reassured him, he finally admitted which then i had to comfort him, we might've got a little toooo close for comfort but it was definitely worth it.

Arden's POV

SHIT! I FORGOT ABOUT SCHOOL! AND MOM!?!?! HOLY- IM GONNA DIE, YUP! DEFINITELY. but this bed..is really comfortable..just a couple more hours..

Bella's POV

I hope he'll actually come to school today..i miss him, oh edward please don't ignore me..i'm sorry. I really am, i just hope you'll accept my apology.

Lane's POV

Damnit. School? hNgh. Arden took a good couple minutes to actually come downstairs, he eventually made it with his hair going in all different directions, before going i fixed it for him, he thanked me. Edward insisted on running to school instead of driving, we needed the fitness anyway, I got on his back, While Arden just watched me in disgust, he made faces at me, i made faces back then we both laughed. Eventually he started running, so did Arden, and oh boy was the wind waking me up. We got there in a split second, he slowed down, him still giving me a piggyback ride, which i throughly enjoyed, Bella looked like she hadn't slept in days, I'm pretty sure Edward noticed, he just didn't bother saying anything, i felt bad. For some reason he had a random boost of confidence to walk me to class which i thought was total nonsense, Bella then noticed and tried running towards Edward, I could tell again he didn't want to interact, i was gonna give him an option but he just huffed in anger and pulled me towards him then kissed me...what a dick move. Of course i didn't kiss back, I pulled away from him, and i could see the pain and sadness in bella's facial expression, i looked back at edward in anger, i shoved him then walked to my own classes, you could've said something rather than hurting her.

Edward's POV

Why do I have to be the cause of someone's emotions, Great, now lane is mad at me. Why? i did him a favor to stop him from talking to that cheater. Damnit. Now i feel horrible..i wanna make it up to him, something that'll make him agree.

Bella's POV

Really Lane?!? I thought we were best friends. And you just happen to show interest in edward right after he leaves me? Nobody wants me now, nobody. i mind as well just go home...fuck, what did I do to deserve this. I'm angry now, i'm angry at Both of them, If i can't have him neither can lane.

Arden's POV

I'm mildly terrified, Bella looks like she could kill anyone at any second, yet after that she wants to cry and have girl talk with someone. It progressively got worse since i had every class with her, she would put her head down and ask to go to the bathroom several times. At lunch she never sat with us, she never came in-fact. Lane and Edward didn't talk, which i'm thankful for but it's not normal...why is everybody acting weird today..

dopamine!,                        [Incomplete, TAKING A BREAK! :>] ☹Where stories live. Discover now