Live, laugh, and love

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Today we were celebrating Grammy's life before Nana took the reins over. Most people sit around and mourn their loved ones that have passed, but we didn't do that. We honored her the only way we knew how to have a big party.

With Piper's news of her pregnancy again, we also got news of another pregnancy. After looking into many avenues, Lakin and Mia decided to in vitro, resulting in Lakin becoming pregnant with their baby. They used Lakin's eggs and donor sperm to fertilize then implement the embryo into Lakin's womb. They were excited, and so were we.

My other cousins were having families of their own, and like everything, life has a way of sending you on a different path. After the celebration, most of them, including my sisters, were leaving to start lives of their own. I couldn't blame them, plus Grammy would never want them to be stagnant in their life choices.

My uncles were all sticking around, along with Kain and Kaiden. Piper and I also stayed put with the kids. I figure Ma and Dad would enjoy having them around, and it's not like my sisters won't visit, but everyone has to have their lives at some point.

As we all celebrated Grammy's life, Nana had a letter to read to everyone.

"Lucille gave this to me and promised me not to read it until she passed," Nana announced to everyone as she opened the envelope and removed the letter.

Hello, my crazy family,

If Patty is reading this, that means I'm taking a dirt nap. I made her promise me not to read this until I left this godforsaken earth. I know she listens because she usually does unless it comes to fessing up to her feelings for Nathaniel. Those two needed a lot of help, good lord.

Anyway, I may have left, but that doesn't mean I'm not monitoring things, remember that. Now, I wanted to tell you all a little secret to life; it sucks. You have all these responsibilities to deal with, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't stop and let it beat you down. Life is to live. Shit happens. It's how you deal with it that matters.

When I met Gray, he was such a fuddy-duddy and so severe. It took me to help Gray lighten up. Trust me; he needed it. Then, we had three devil children. Those boys drove me nuts. Nate would pet his brother Jonas. Jonas would fight with him over a damn toy while Cayson was trying to survive both of them. No wonder he decided to set our house on fire. I'm just kidding, not really.

Then this little girl came into our lives who held her own against them. Good thing too because they needed someone to deal with their stupid asses. While I chose Patty for Nate, I sure in the hell didn't choose Karen or Dominique, but I'm glad my boys did. They turned out to be what they both needed.

Then came the demon spawn themselves because of all these unholy unions. Those boys needed a lot of help; boy did they need help. It's a good thing they found women to deal with their stupid asses. Sometimes they don't make the best choices. Just ask Nashville. I pray for Margaret a lot because she needed it for his twit ways.

Finally, you had their children needed help, don't ask. They're all bat shit crazy, but at least they got a part of me; it wasn't common sense.

I loved every minute being a part of everyone's life. You all made me proud. I couldn't ask for a better family than the one Gray gave me. My secret to a long life is live, laugh, and love with every fiber of your being. Life is too short to worry about things you can't change. All you can do is make the best out of everything.

I love you all, and I'll miss you.


We stood there as Nana finished reading the letter as she broke down. Grampa walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, offering comfort to her. She took Grammy's death the hardest along with Grampa and our uncles.

Once they found their composure, we did what Grammy instructed; we celebrated life. A family wasn't about blood; it was part of something greater.

As we talked and laughed about Grammy's antics, Jamie walked over to Kaiden.

"I have something for you," Jaime said, handing him an envelope that Kaiden took from him, confused.

We stood there as he opened it and read the contents.

"They dismissed the lawsuit," Kaiden announced, stunned as we all stood there, shocked.

"The pictures helped. It showed Mitch wasn't as innocent as he claimed to be," Jaime smirked.

"What pictures?" Kaiden inquired, really confused.

"The ones you sent. Congratulations, Kaiden," Jaime said as he patted his back and walked over to other cousins.

"I didn't send any pictures," Kaiden said as he stood there.

"I did," Kain admitted as we all looked at him. "I couldn't let an asswipe get away with what he did to my brother and twin. Kaiden, you deserve happiness," Kain reasoned as we all looked at Kaiden, who broke down. Kain hugged him. It's a brother thing.

Dad looked at Nixon. "Guess Frick and Frack learned a few things, didn't they?"

"I taught them well," Nixon smirked as we rolled our eyes.

We weren't just celebrating Grammy Gray's life, but we were celebrating life. She was right; life sucks, but you have to make the best of it. As Grays, you learn to deal with shit hands and hope for the best. You give as good as you get.

After the celebration, everyone started leaving, as they lived their lives as Grammy wanted them to do. I hugged my fellow quints and cried. They laughed like they always do but ended up crying along with me. Everyone hugged their parents as they left.

It didn't matter; we would still see each other. We were Grays and Grays stick together. Lakin told us that she would call when the baby came. Ma said to her that she wouldn't need to call. She would be at the hospital just like the others. Yeah, never come between Ma and the grandkids when they arrived, even Dad knew better than to get between her and them.

One day, I had a feeling; life would give us a run for our money. I was ready, I think.

The Gray Sisters: Family Matters✔️ (Wattpad version)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora