Who are you?

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I sat there as I looked at a bunch of people who I didn't recognize. No one looked familiar to me.

"Lex?" A guy said.

"Who's Lex," I asked, confused.

They looked at me with shock.

"That's your name," a woman said.

"Do you remember anything?" The guy asked me.

"No," I shook my head. I didn't know them, and I didn't know who I was. Everything was a blank. Whatever happened to me caused me not to know anyone or myself. I knew that there are people in the room with me that I didn't know.


"I'll get a doctor," Nash said as he left the room. I stood there out of sight.

Nash and Maggie talked to Lex, but he didn't know them. That left the rest of us stunned.

A few minutes later, Nash returned with Jasper. He examined Lex and asked basic questions, then pulled us out of the room.

"Jasper, what is wrong with our boy?" Nash asked Jasper.

"It seems Lex has amnesia," Jasper answered.

We stood there, shocked.

"Nash, when Lex hit his head, and there was swelling on the brain, it caused amnesia. That was one thing we watch for besides other issues he may develop," Jasper informed Nash.

"Will he remember anything?" Nash asked him.

"That's the thing with amnesia; he may, he may not. The best thing you can do is talk to him but don't force him to remember. It'll overwhelm him. Be patient with him," Jasper advised.

Everything was up in the air.


People came back into my room and over to my bed. I didn't know who they were.

"Hey," a guy said. I stared blankly at him.

"So, I guess I should fill you in on who everyone is. I'm Nash, your dad, this is Maggie, your mom. Those guys standing there are your uncles, Nixon, Nathan, Noah, and Nolan, and your sisters, Lyric, Larkin, Lakin, and Luna," the guy introduced the people in my room to me.

"And that's," Nash started to say as he turned and looked, but whoever he would introduce to me wasn't there. He leaned over and whispered something to the woman next to him, shrugging while shaking her head.

He turned back to me. "Do you remember anything?"

"No," I answered, shaking my head.

I stared at everyone like they were strangers. These people claim to be my family, but I didn't know if they were telling me the truth.

The only thing I knew was I heard a voice while I was asleep, a beautiful sound. The voice talked to me frequently. That voice wasn't here, and I wish it were. It would make me feel better.

The next few days, doctors checked me out, and the people claiming to be my family came to see me. They even brought me pictures. I saw myself with them, but I had no clue who they were. It was becoming frustrating for me.

The more they bombarded me with information, the more agitated I became. I didn't know these people. Why didn't they understand this?

Finally, I had enough.

"Stop!" I barked.

They all looked at me with furrowed brows.

"I don't know you! I don't know any of you! I don't even know who I am except what you told me! My head is throbbing, and all you seem to do is talk!" I shouted.

The Gray Sisters: Family Matters✔️ (Wattpad version)Where stories live. Discover now